Best way to spend the cash

Go to some utility company and purchase a Million dollars worth of water everday and get them to ship it to the coast if at the coast simply poor it into the sea.
You are not giving it to charity and are not destroying it as you are simply just speeding up the water cycle.


that would have been a fun movie to watch...... plus i doubt he could claim value for money


Exactly garrybubba. There is no value for service there.


If the stamp move was legal because he paid the cost of the stamp and used it for its original purpose (sticking it to a letter to pay postage)... then why not just spend all the money on something that's purpose is to be used?

30 million dollars' worth of fireworks. Then spend a few weeks setting them off. You paid what they cost, you used them how they were meant to be used, and you're left with nothing after they're used.


Buy Billboard Space across the entire country for a month with displaying a picture of your *beep* eating grin. 300 mill, boom.
