MovieChat Forums > Brewster's Millions (1985) Discussion > Easy way for Brewster to spend the money

Easy way for Brewster to spend the money

If I were Brewster, I would have flown to Disneyworld and paid everyone's admission to the park until the money ran out. I'm sure that Disneyworld makes more than 30 million a month.


One of the rules is that he can't give the money away, and that includes not buying stuff for others.


Going to disney and treating everyone isnt giving it away. Its paying for the entertainment in the park.


He could've invited my friend Heath, who loves Disney.



He cant give the money away and buying admission for everyone and giving it to them is giving money away.

I think they created a loophole by not simply saying you cant outright break the law which prostitution would be. But as is he could have done it. But hell, a million bucks for a hooker is excessive. She better be the best ever.



As I said earlier, paying a fair price for the service of disney entertainment isnt giving it away.


Yeah, it's really no different than when he buys all those people lunch at that upscale restaurant.


He is allowed to hire people, but he must be getting value for his money.
A million dollars for a hooker, no matter how high class, is not value for money.


I have to agree that buying peoples way into Disney wouldn't be against the rules as he is allowed to buy lunch at $200 a plate for plenty of random people on the street right after he was given the cash.

Problem is, ticket prices in 1985 were under $20 for a day pass which means he would need nearly 1.6 million visitors to visit to meet his quota. The park averaged 1.9 million visitors per month but this was happening during the offseason (November) so there is no way the park would get the number of visitors needed. If that was your plan you are going to struggle spending the $10 million at the last minute that you have left over.

You could up it a bit and buy everyone visiting 3-day passes but then the question pops up, was there value in the money spent as hundreds of thousands of the passes would contain unused days. True that not all the food purchased at the 1st days lunch was eaten but it's not the same ballpark.


Nothing a hooker does is worth even a fraction of that. He can't tip her a thousand times more than the value of her service - that's right back to giving it away.


What about the parties he threw... Or the lunches he paid for, or the drinks he would buy the entire bar... Isn't that giving it away?

In Rockstar We Trust


Would you want to watch a film where someone just stands at the entrance to Disney land offering to pay people's admission?

I know I wouldnt.


That sounds like the greatest movie ever! I cant wait to see that!

And by greatest I mean the most boring.


Everything that happened in the movie was meant to entertain the movie-going audience. If they re-made it today they'd have to up the inheritance to like $100 million he has to spend in 30 days.


they put it at 30million to correlate with 30days! sounds better aggregately and easy for the audience to calculate also.


Yeah, that would make it be a boring movie, but the kind of movie that it is makes any two or more people watch the movie stop and discuss how they would spend the money. The Disney idea is a good one, even if it would bore the audience. Based on that line of thought, I would consider going to a local university and paying the student loans of many of the students.


So... pay a retainer for 300 attorneys for whom you will pay their educational expenses?

I think putting the $30,000,000 into a numbered account in the Cayman islands sounds like a pretty nifty way to spend it. How the hell would they get it back from you?

My "#3" key is broken so I'm putting one here so i can cut & paste with it.


What about flying to Vegas at a high roller table and just placing as big roulette bets as possible- on both red and black? I've heard of guys going through $5 mil in a night easy at those places, almost impossible not to do that in a month if you're trying for 5+ hours.


What about flying to Vegas at a high roller table and just placing as big roulette bets as possible- on both red and black? I've heard of guys going through $5 mil in a night easy at those places, almost impossible not to do that in a month if you're trying for 5+ hours.

He can only gamble 5%


He could have rented the park for a month and given free admission.


I would buy 30 million dollars worth of possessions and get someone to steal it all.
