Why wasn't Spike Nolan there at the end??
Most of the movie involves three things going on,Brewster's frenetic pace to spend the 30 million, his growing relationship with Angela Drake, and his loyal friendship with Spike Nolan(played by John Candy). It was Monty and Spike who at the beginning of the film got locked up together cause of the fight at the bar. It looked like Monty and Spike seemed to be best buddies who stuck by each other no matter what. They went thru the entire money ordeal together. Spike didn't really care for a job when taunted by the photographer at the restuarant on why he didn't have a job yet. Spike just wanted to be by Monty's side as his buddy. When Spike became Monty's VP and got his 100Gs, Spike was willing to share that wealth with Monty after Monty seemed to have spent all the 30 million, but, Monty refused. The last scene with Monty and Spike was seen with them getting drunk, seemingly angry and confused at each other. There seemed to be no reconciliation between the two. The movie ends with Brewster getting his 300 million and winning over Angela. I just felt that Spike should've been there somehow to celebrate with friend and to finally find out why his buddy Monty had to spend the 30 million, who Monty as it showed in their last scene, was very eager to tell his buddy why he had to do so. It just seemed like Spike needed to be there with Monty. It should've ended with Monty,Angela, and Spike celebrating, as they walk out the office, Monty and Angela trying having a romantic moment while Spike babbling with so-called financial advice about the 300 million, like not being so spendthrift this time around.