
Not a word discussed on taxes but wouldnt the Fed Govt be getting their share?


I'm sure they were getting a big chunk of that $100,000,000 once he got his real inheritance.


they would still have their hands out for their share of the 30


I just watched it tonight and they said the 30 was tax free. I know there are legal ways to gift inheritance tax free so Uncle Rupert prob did that.


Or the attorneys already handled the taxes on the $30m, paperwork indicating the amount was really $39m, minus taxes.

But yeah, those lawyers seemed to be really good at what they do for (and TO) rich folks. I don;t think the taxes were an issue.

Besides, with 5% going to charity, another 5% going to gambling losses, campaign financing, losses on investments, payroll and other expenses/write-offs....

I donโ€™t need you to tell me how good my coffee is.๎‚›. ๎€๎‚ฌ


True. Guess that was already figured in and Brewster didn't worry about it.
