The Baseball Field

I was watching this for the first time and initially thought I was seeing things when I thought I saw what looked like railway tracks on the field. Surprise, surprise! Then the train shows up and I read somewhere that these sort of fields do exist. It's certainly a little different from a road passing through a golf course.🐭


I know- I always thought that was so cool that a train passes through the field and there are tracks the players have to step over in the outfield. You must have watched this movie on Showtime? They've been showing it a lot lately.


No way, no how is this real.

Aside from the fact that it makes absolutely no sense, do you really think anyone would want to be held liable when a player breaks his ankle or cracks his head open on a railroad track?


That's why I don't think it could be real.
Too much risk to an outfielder tracking a ball even if he is trained to avoid the tracks.

Damn, I'm good.
