First of all since you can only give 5% to charity, I would split that between AIDs and Cancer research
I would then build some high rises for the homeless, and then basically have it as a stock investment firm, yet allow it to be public (like what the Green Bay Packers have, people in Green Bay own stock) and that way just slip out of it, that should work.
I would then rent myself the penthouse in the most expensive hotel, hire a bunch of my friends to work for me, and then own TONS of dotcoms so that they could totally tank LOL.
Maybe buy a wrestling promotion and put alot into it and then just lose it. Eh I dunno...I know how to spend money but I always seem to have assets.
I'd probably also buy some VERY expensive artifacts and then put them on display in museums with minimum security so if they get stolen they're not an investment anymore.
I'd go to Vegas with another 5% and purposefully lose...
I dunno alot of things I guess you can and can't do...maybe pay to go to every major collegiate institution in the country and flunk out/drop out....I dunno....LOL. That would mean I'd have to go to most of the East Coast schools in 1 week, drop out, and then move to the Mid West and West Coast...crap 3 weeks of my life wasted by getting kicked out of college. Holy hell LOL......maybe start my own Woodstock in not woodstock and just pay an insane amount on security, bands, stage, set up...hell it's 2005 dude it can't be THAT hard to blow 30 mil these days!
Actually, I got it...if you're still reading this...I'd invest in a movie, keep my hands off of it it doesn't belong to me, so bang.