1 kid could be in detention for making a bomb.
Another kid for stabbing a classmate.
Another for selling drugs.
Then a teen mom there with her kid.
And they will have to write an essay about how white people are the reason they are now in detention.
The bomb maker will tell a story how the white man invaded his country for oil.
The kid with the knife can explain how he came to the country illegally and the white man wouldn't grant him citizenship so he lashed out by stabbing a classmate because of their legal status
The kid who sold drugs can tell how only certain cultures are busted for weed and how weed should be legal and that the govenment should give him reparations to open weed stores.
And the teen mom can explain how the white man is responsible for her non white boyfriend to impregnate her and leave.
hollyweird would give this the go asap...