Vernon as a family man

Do you think he was married? Had kids?

I can picture him as divorced, bitter about child support payments and hardly seeing his kids who don't want to see him. Probably very strict and harsh with them, the only real time he spent with them (when married) was to discipline them. Definitely never interested in what they had to say, calling any problems they had "trivial". Always believed the adult accusing them of doing wrong without question.


No way! Just can't picture it!


How would you picture him?


Never thought of it before, but I think he was a family man, but his kids were probably grown. I could tell that he didn’t really like being the mean principal, but he just had a bad attitude and had long run out of patience.


I see his kids as late teens. Either way, not wanting to have a lot to do with him.


You want another! You got it! You finished! Good, that's one more! Ive got you for the rest of your natural born life! Instead of prison you'll come here! You want a joke you go find John Bender in five years and see what hes up to. lol. God this movie was intense and hilarious at the same time.


"2 months, I got you."


What can I say. Im thrilled.


I'm sure that's exactly what you want these people to believe.


Probably never married and bitter about it.


He seems like one of those guys that would have been shown on that To Catch a Predator show with Chris Hansen. There were a lot of teachers busted on that show.
