Bender's most revealing scene is when he's alone with Vernon in the closet, Vernon dares him to take his shot and Bender won't do it. He wants to, but he won't, because he's a coward and bully.
While someone who is not a coward and a bully would kick the *beep* out of a teacher, yes?
They'd freely deck a teacher knowing full well they'll land in serious trouble for it, yes?
That's brave and sensible in your eyes, yes?
Vernon has him pegged and the self-loathing Bender knows it.
Vernon knows sod all about any of those kids and is a bully himself - Case in point, how he blames his own ineptitude in dealing with a door all on Andrew.
Here he is just bullying Bender, which is exactly what Bender Snr does and why Jnr habitually cowers immobile.
He isn't a rebel or a questioner of authority, he's just a loudmouth coward who is a jerk to the other kids.
Doesn't challenge authority... which is why he picks on the Popular Kid ringleaders Claire and Andrew, while being brutally honest with Brian and relatively respectful toward Alison, since they don't need taking down a peg.
Just a loudmouth coward... which is why he is the one leading the way, sacrificing himself in the corridors and generally the one putting his money where his mouth is.
A jerk to the other kids... which is what results in them evaluating their situation and learning to cope a bit better.
He is the catalyst behind all the occasions they connect with each other. He directs the conversation, forces them to consider and face up to what they have not or are afraid to.
Bender is so full of hot air, it's a wonder he doesn't drift away.
And yet he is right about so much. That is what people dislike about him. He voices the inconvenient truths they don't want to hear.
Guys like Bender do one of two things with their lives.
Attitudes like that are what keeps people like him down. You see what you want to see.
They wise up, grow up, stop acting like they are the smartest guy in the room and probably do OK.
Yeah, tow the line, shut up and do as you're told, win, Andrew... WIN... WIN... WIN!!!!!!
Sound familiar?
Or, they use the excuse that everyone around them is an idiot and fool, so why bother to try?
That I would say of those who start off as opinionated as your argument has been and end up quitting because they think they're owed something for doing what they think was the 'right' way... especially when there is no right way. Mostly middle-management types, actually.
Those guys are losers, convinced they are better than everyone else, but with zero accomplishment to show for it because running your mouth is way safer than ever risking failure.
"Those guys"... Picking up a liiiiiiiiiiiittle bit of opinionated projection there, bub. You seem very unwilling to examine the character beyond the surface facade portrayed in the first five minutes, despite there being
a whole movie showing you that your first impressions were wrong...
More often they have risked failure, did fail (because that sometimes happens) and someone then kicks the living daylights out of them for a comparatively minor mistake. Teaches them to expect nothing, aspire to nothing, achieve nothing and all the while makes them angry at the world for it. Running their mouths is all you leave them, so what else is left but to say *beep* YOU and dare you to finish the job?
"Those guys" are usually the ones who end up winning medals and driving positive change in society.