MovieChat Forums > The Breakfast Club (1985) Discussion > Why did Bender call Brian 'Ahab'?

Why did Bender call Brian 'Ahab'?

When Bender goes to collect his pot stash from Brian, he says: "Hey Ahab, can I have my doobage?"

Why did he call him that particular name?

I asked the question some time ago, and there were a couple good theories....but the thread is gone now & I was wondering what others thought??

I'd say this cloud is Cumulo Nimbus.
Didn't he discover America?
Penfold, shush.


Good question! We all know Ahab is a reference to the obsessed and fanatic captain in Moby Dick. Perhaps it was a spoof on the fact that Brain was anything but the captain or leader of the group. Or maybe he was calling him the captain since he had the drug and that made him the most important person at the time to Bender.


The theory circulating back when the movie came out was that it referred to being in Johnson's underwear w/ just a subliminal reference to the "sperm" whale in Moby "Dick" for teen giggles &/or gasps.

In the talk-over with Hall & Nelson on the DVD, they don't mention it . .


Ah, that makes sense!

I did not see the film it the theater, I wonder if audience laughed at the joke?


I never read Moby Dick, so I had no idea what he was talking about. I am sure others who never read the book didn't get the reference either.


I have read the book, but before I read it I was well aware of the story because it's petty well known, so I got the reference then and my high school friends did, too - without having read it ... maybe today literature is much more undervalued, but when I was in high school Moby Dick was petty well known because of tv movies and such


I've always wondered what Bender says in this scene. Obviously, I can make out "Ahab" and "Doobage" but he's definitely not saying "...can I have my..." in the scene.

So, I looked it up, because of this thread, and evidently he says, "Kybo Mein."

God giveth and the DMV taketh away!


Pretty sure he says, "So Ahab, can I bum my doobage?"


Moby Dick.. Ahab..the pot was near briansD ick! Get it?


He was walking stiff-legged like Captain Ahab..


I thought he said "Kai (teenage shortening of 'could i' )have ALL MY DOOBAGE"

So it sounds like kyvallmydubaj"


I thought he said "Hey, Ahab, kipe all my doobage?" "Kipe" being a slang word for "take" or "steal."

