MovieChat Forums > The Breakfast Club (1985) Discussion > What happens if the kids didnt show up f...

What happens if the kids didnt show up for Saturday Detention?

I always wondered about that, never having been to Saturday Detention at all or in general, just basically had only a few minor incidents in school and never got into trouble (Didnt get get much) etc.

But what would Vernon have done if the kids had not even bothered to show up at all? Or worse came in an hour late because it was Saturday and were used to sleeping in and not going anywhere all day, like so many kids do? Lots of high school kids might just decline to show up for Saturday Detention at all because it is their day off of school, or even better they have a job where they work after school and they work early on the weekends because they dont have to be at school for those two days.

So it wouldnt be suprising if the kids just forgot to show up or refused to show up at all, claiming that they had a job on the weekends like McDonalds or bagging groceries and thus couldnt make detention without getting fired or into trouble at work, Vernon would have to take it, young teenagers usually dont care anyway and that would be obvious to most teachers in high schools.


If they did not show up, they would probably get an additional detention. If they kept not showing up, it would probably eventually result in a suspension.

Although I attended private school, there was a girl in my class whose bad and disruptive behavior was notorious. She got numerous detentions and she simply never went. She was expelled or told she was not allowed back after freshman year. I am assuming the same would happen in public school, although the process may be a bit more complex.


I don't know. No schools that I knew of had such a thing as Saturday detension. I'm guessing each time they skipped they get an extra one and then a few extra ones and then in school suspension for a week or two and then out of school suspension/expulsion.


That s how it worked 41st my high school.

"Freedom is fought, not earned"


I never even heard of a Saturday detention in real life. I think Dick got punished by even being made to work on a Saturday.


nah he got paid overtime money.


We had Saturday "Dets". You had to do something a bit more serious than ignoring your homework to earn one, though.
I smashed another kid's face in, although he'd been antagonising me for two years before I lost my rag over it, so he ended up in the same Det right next to me!! 


My school had Saturday detention, but I think these were just extreme cases. Detention was usually at lunch, or after school. Anyway, from what I recall, if you skipped detention then you'd be suspended. Too many suspensions and you'd be expelled.
