This movie's ending pisses me off
Now, allow me to get something straight. I really like this movie. I think that the characters are great, the progression of the story is interesting, and that it paints a colorful portrait of high school. The scene where they sit in a circle on the floor is quite possibly my favorite movie scene ever. The reason this film makes me irate is because of the ending. I hate the ending because it betrays all of the amazing scenes that went into the film, and it even throws away the moral of the story.
That moral is this: No matter who you are, you can connect to anyone, even if they're completely different from you. I like that message, but the conclusion of the movie basically forgets that there even is a message, and instead indulges in the manipulative cliches that every other teen movie also indulged in. Why did Allison get a makeover at the end? WHY? It is by far the worst decision John Hughes made while creating this film! What it tells me, is that you have to be pretty to be accepted. If Andrew and Allison got together WITHOUT the makeover taking place, it would have been just fine. It would've actually helped the movie as a whole! But oh well, I guess pandering to studios is more important than pandering to teens, also known as DELIVERING TO THE TARGET AUDIENCE.
Also, let's not forget how Bender and Claire get together at the last minute just like Allison and Andrew. Hey look! Another great lesson for all the gullible teenagers! "Girls reeeeaaaally like *beep* Bender spends the entire movie ridiculing Claire, and just generally acting like a creep around her. If they had ended up being friends at the end, it would have actually made sense.
tl;dr The ending of The Breakfast Club betrays a fresh and original film by injecting it with lame and moronic cliches that would have been easy to avoid.
What do you guys think?