Did they ever talk again?

I've always wondered if they talked afterwards or if they just went about with their lives.


The director is on record as saying that they remained friends thereafter, so I assume he'd know as it's his film and all... but really, it's up to the individual.


They probably said hi to each other when they'd pass in the hallways on campus.

For the most part, I really don't see them calling each other to hang out all that much.

Seize the moment, 'cause tomorrow you might be dead.


Maybe an occasion Hi or Hows it Going, but I doubt they became close friends afterwards.


Or they hang out after a football game or pep rally..


I feel like if Allison "stayed pretty" it was acceptable for her and Andy to date in public. A lot of times outcasts can mainstream fast depending on the circumstances. Andy also seemed to genuinely click with her.

Bender and Claire hooked up for a while because Claire liked to rebel, and Bender was happy to oblige. Their friends were aware, but the groups didn't really commingle.

Brian got waves down the hall from all of them indefinitely at best.


Oh they more than talked again...

Yeah, well I get claustrophobic sucking strange dick!


To be honest for a couple of months until they start branching off. I can see them saying hi, stopping to talk and maybe Brian hamgomh out with Bender or Andy or Bender & Andy


Interesting question...I'm inclined to think some of them kept in contact, but not all. Perhaps for the first week back after that weekend they did make an effort, but after some time it kind of just faded and they went back to their respective groups. I could see, however, Alison and Brian maybe staying friends since they were never that high up on the social ladder, they didn't have as much pressure to return to their status quos.

Or, I could see, after all the high school bullshit they reconnected again years down the line. That's a nice scenario to imagine.


Yeh, I can see them reconnecting years later after high school.
I just can't see them hanging out after that Saturday. They are kids and they pretty much stay in thier own little groups for fear of being outcasts within those groups. It's the law of the high school jungle. I'd like to think that they would at least smile and say "hi" occasionally in the halls.


That would be my ideal version. Maybe like saying elmos's fire they were connected in adulthood.


Over the years I have run into "kids" I went to high school with.
It's interesting. I never went to those reunion partys. Those are awful. I enjoy running into these folks every now and then. I wasn't all that popular. I was an average student.....
The only thing I was involved in was chorus and the school plays.... small parts.
You don't spend a morning in detention with the QUEEN of the Class, the NERD, the JOCK.....etc...... and expect firm and open friendships in high school. That won't happen.
It's always nice to eventually see how everyone turned out. I wish them all the best.
Life is hard enough in High School and at home.
Real Life is much more REAL! I'd like to think that they all did well and worked out any troubles they had.
I did!
I'd like to think that everyone in The Breakfast Club grew up and flied right!
Wouldn't it be fun if they had a Breakfast Club Reunion?
