The Legend of Zelda

Yes, I know that it was based on a book and it came out before the first The Legend of Zelda game (1986), but I can't help but find the whole thing with the fairies, the castle's design, the final battle and escape and the overall plot similar to The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time (1998).

The main difference is that Link and Zelda don't act like this in the game... but in the animated series (which was not done by Nintendo, from 1989 I think), Link and Zelda are really like Taran and Eilonwy.
The Black Cauldron inspired them?

What do you think?



In the end they all borrowed from Tolkien.


Everyone borrows from Tolkien! But, no, I don't think Taran and Eilonwy inspired the animated Zelda personalities, nor did the plot inspire Ocarina of Time.


Actually the original books are based on the mythology of ancient Wales. Plus, lets face it, every fantasy story carries the archetypal hero/maiden setup. The reason so many books seem to borrow from Tolkien is that he was the first to write serious adult-oriented historical fantasy. He just turned it mainstream ^_^


I was thinking the same thing.


Yeah, Taran and Eilonwy do sort of seem like prototypes for Link and Zelda, but they aren't like the animated Link and Zelda. In the cartoons, Link is like a lecherous Peter Pan trying to score with Zelda, and Spryte the fairy is a jealous Tinkerbell.

Also, I like Lloyd Alexander's novels much better than Tolkien's Lord of the Rings. Alexander's characters are more colorful, and Taran is a much more three dimensional protagonist.


I once read somewhere that it was the movie 'Legend' with Tom Cruise that inspired Nintendo with The Legend of Zelda.

Unfortunatly I have no sources to support this but I think i read it on a reliable site.


I just saw this again recently, and I did get some Zelda vibes from it. When Eilonwy's glowing orb first appeared I immediately thought of Navi... except it isn't as annoying. ;) And who's to say the Horned King isn't like Ganondorf? But I think a lot of this stuff is just archetypes belonging to the fantasy genre, period.
