Indestructable Cauldron

Talking about deleted scenes: After the three witches clear away the foundations of their house and reveal the real cauldron, they appear in the sky and tell our heroes right off the bat the thing is indestructable.

In an insert that came with the storybook record, it shows a picture of Taaran beating on the cauldron with a stick. I have to assume this was likewise removed. So, when the witches mock them, it seems to be for an attempt we never saw.

Hmmm. And for something that is "indestructable", the Black Cauldron is awfully pitted.



An insert (in this case) is an illustration taken from a finished frame of film. It accompanied the text...rather like a photograph in a scrapbook.

Pitting is a long-term deterioration that happens to iron. Basically, the surface looks like someone hit it repeatedly with shotgun pellets. If the cauldron is indestructible, it should always looks shiny and new. Nothing should be able to harm it, deliberate or accidental.

