MovieChat Forums > The Black Cauldron (1985) Discussion > I seriously kept expecting Elionway to t...

I seriously kept expecting Elionway to turn out to be evil

Okay, so I just saw this movie for the first time a couple months ago, and the first time Elionway showed up, I was suspicious of her. I mean, she just so happens to conveniently come in and find Taran when he's imprisoned, and throughout the movie, little to nothing is revealed about her. I thought for sure that she was going to be revealed to be working for the Horned King or something.

4Kids-Ruining anime since 1996


And it's amazing that none of the 9 (yes, at least NINE) writers didn't have the same problem with her character. You'd think that her not having a back-story means that she's hiding something, but no. It's just shoddy writing. A movie that tries to cover five books has to cut something, but this is the part that you do not cut!


I dearly wish the Lady Eilonwy to be included in the roll of Disney Princesses.
Deseo mucho que Don~a Eilonwy sea incluida en la lista de las Princesas de Disney.

God is subtle, but He is not malicious. (Albert Einstein)
