MovieChat Forums > The Black Cauldron (1985) Discussion > Don Quijote Aqui'=Don Quixote Here

Don Quijote Aqui'=Don Quixote Here

Si ve'is mi biblioteca vere'is que gusto mucho de la literatura fanta'stica--Baum, Carroll, Lewis, Tolkien--; incluso colecciono los libros de caballeri'a que coleccionaba Don Q. Acabo de leer el arti'culo de WIKI sobre Eilonwy, y ella es un personaje tan ameno que quisiera producir una versio'n nueva y ma's detallada de su serie de novelas.
?No se hizo tal con EL SEN~OR DE LOS ANILLOS?
If you look at my library you'll see that I'm very fond of fantasy literature--Baum, Carroll, Lewis, Tolkien--; I even collect the romances of chivalry that Don Q collected. I just read the WIKI article about Eilonwy, and she is such an amusing character that I would love to produce a new and more detailed version of her series of novels.
Wasn't that done also with LORD OF THE RINGS?
God is subtle, but He is not malicious. (Albert Einstein)
