So I am probably lame for paying attention to this because it has probably been brought up numerous times but this is what they based the South Park "ASSPEN" episode on. I couldn't remember what movie it was just that John Cusack was in it and I had to know. THANKS IMDB!!! RANDOM TRIVIAL KNOWLEDGE YESS!!!
I love the part in the movie where the guy is in a wheelchair and neck brace, Cusack says "wow, what happened to you, you look like you got hit by a truck! and the guy says "Oh no I was trying to ski the K12, ya know after the Olumpic's everything looked so damn easy" LOL
"Lane, I've been going to this highschool for 7 and a half years, I'm no dummy, I know highschool"
That episode is in my "South Park" all-time top 5. It's just like "BOD" in that it pokes fun at all of those teen movie conventions and yet at the same time does them better than the films its parodying.
I don't know.. actually.. no.. I do KNOW that "Asspen" is definitely NOWHERE near my top 5.. but I do LOVE the episode cause it is definitely a FULL ON 80s LOVE FEST.. full of just pull out the reference.. from BOD, Pet Semtary, Total Recall.. just to name a FEW...
It's just one of those.. really weird... but awesome episodes.. and like they said.. they are making fun of a genre, BUT at the same time outdoing those who are genuinely trying to make films in it..