The guy who played Charly...
... is Phil Brock. His father taught my speech class in eighth grade, and my drama class in 9th grade. This was at Lawton High School in Lawton Oklahoma. He was a very nice man named Dr. Brock. All of us like taking his classes because he was a very good teacher. He was always showing us scenes of his son in different movies and television episodes. You could tell he was very proud of him. This was the second time one of my teachers had an actor as a child. The other teacher was my sixth grade math teacher at Marlborough Middle school in Marlborough, MA. Her name was Mrs. Cross, and her daughter's name is Marcia. Yes that Marcia. She always talked about her as well, but at the time, she had only had a couple of small roles in television. I think she had only been on an episode of Cheers, and an episode of Booker. Small world, huh?
Fat drunk and stupid, is no way to go through life son.