MovieChat Forums > The Twilight Zone (1985) Discussion > Are these episodes of TZ or other series...

Are these episodes of TZ or other series?

I saw two episodes right around the time the new Twilight Zone was out but not sure if they were. These were 2 scary stories and would love to know what series they are from. I figure there must be someone more into TV series that can identify them. Thanks in advance.

First one is about a woman that uses her hair to trap and cocoon another person so she can keep looking youthful. Her secret gets out and the ending was a nice twist and creepy.

The second is a window into another diminsion found in the middle of the desert by the military. The other side seems to be a small farm in a time long ago. A consultant of the military falls in love with the woman working on the farm on the other side. Longing to be on the peaceful farm he starts to try and find a way through. He finds a way through and gets a surprise.

Any help is appreciated.


Don't know the first, but the second is from the short lived series "Night Visions", and is based on one of my favorite short stories of the early '80s. The episode starred Bill Pullman, who also directed it.

Veni, vidi, vermicelli
I came, I saw, I had pasta


Thanks RipCity! That's exactly the episode I was thinking, a real grass is greener story. Looking over the episode list for Night Visions, it sounds like they had some cool stories. Its too bad it got cancelled but reading through some of the posts I guess there were quite a number of TZ spin-offs during that time.

If anyone can help me out with the first one I would appreciate it.


The one with the woman and her hair is an episode of Monsters titled "Cocoon."


The episode about the window into another dimension was sooo scary! Are you sure it wasnt from the outer limits?


Holy cow. I'd never heard of Night Visions until you posted this. I just watched this episode on Youtube. I'm bumping this thread and recommending it to anyone that reads this thread. It's called Night Visions - A View Through A Window.
