Top 10 Episodes

Personally, I think the 80s Twilight Zone is a bit underrated. I believe that's due to the series being almost nothing like the original. There are so many episodes about solitude, sadness, or going through an emotional crisis. Those episodes are usually super super corny (The Girl I Married, Cat and Mouse) and even when that type of story does work (Message From Charity) they still bear little resemblance to the drama and suspense in the stories of Matheson, Beaumont and Serling. Anyway, there are a lot of bad episodes in this series but there are quite a few that are surprisingly good. You just have to judge the show for what it is instead of what it's called. So here are the episodes I enjoyed most.

My Top 10 (1= my favorite)
10 The Curious Case of Benjamin Bu... I mean, Edgar Witherspoon
9 Chameleon
8 I of Newton
7 A Matter of Minutes
6 Shatterday
5 Shelter Skelter
4 But Can She Type?
3 Nightcrawlers
2 The Toys of Caliban
1 To See the Invisible Man

I disapprove of remakes, thus their absence on my list.

And before you make fun of me, I like I of Newton and Can She Type because they're quick, well executed, and I think they're the two best comedic episodes of the series. I know the Twilight Zone isn't supposed to be comedic, but like I said - you have to judge the show for what it is, not what it's called.


It's been a while since I've seen this version, and to be honest, a lot of it I can't remember, even if it's only been 2 years. That said, there's only 3 episodes that stand out from memory:

A Message From Charity
A Matter of Minutes
To See the Invisible Man

I thought A Message From Charity was really, really sweet. Corny? Yes. Lacking in drama? Yes. But it was a different kind of love story that I thought was kinda touching.

A Matter of Minutes was a really cool concept. Ironically, at the time I saw this episode we had just discussed this idea in philosophy, so this caught my attention right away. I remember the graphics being cheesey, but can't that be said for any TV show that needs special effects? Nevertheless, this was a pretty cool episode.

To See the Invisible Man is, like you, my #1 episode of the 3. I really enjoyed the episodes from the original series that touched on man's need for society and companionship, and I felt this episode did a really nice job taking that theme and making it work. And the ending is the most touching of any Twilight Zone episode.

I intend to rewatch this series as soon as I'm done going through the original, and hope to come out of it with a new perspective. I guess I had different expectations coming right off the original, which probably ruined the initial impression of this series, but I look forward to checking it out again.


My Top Ten:

1]A little Peace and Quiet.
2]To See The Invisible Man.
4]The Shadow Man.
5]A Message From Charity.
6]The Childrens Zoo.
7]Extra Innings.
8]Her Pilgrim Soul.
9]I of Newton.
10]Shelter Skelter.


I actually think the 80s series is very much like the original series. It reflects a different era, but does so in the same way. The original series had occasional comic episodes, as well.

You've got some good ones in your list. Here are mint, in no order:

Examination Day
The Elevator
Button, Button
Need to Know
The Shadow Man
A Matter of Minutes
The Burning Man
The Beacon


Again, this list is also from season 1. Seems like people only focus on the 1st season. There were many great episodes from Season 2 and 3. "The Card", "The Hellgrammite Method", and so many others.


Did you get past Season 1, because it seems like all your favorites are from that season. There were many great episodes in Season 2 and 3.
