The Hellgramite Method

Anybody else love this episode?

It is funny because I never really watched this show regularly. However, years ago, I managed to catch The Hellgramite Method on TV and the episode really stuck with me over the years. I am just curious if anyone else really enjoyed it as well.


I vividly remeber watching this episode on an afternoon back in 1993, I recall walking to a store afterwards and reflecting upon it (sometimes my remembering of little insignificant details amazes me!). I think it's one of the best out of the 1989 season and really enjoyed it. I've only watched it that one time and remember the plot very well, the scene that stucks with me is the character laying down on the floor having excruciating stomach pain.


I agree, this is one of the best episodes from the third season.


It's sort of a remake/retelling/reworking of "Quitter's Incorporated" from Cat's Eyes, starring James Woods and Drew Barrymore, written by Stephen King. That said, it was a good episode.
