Opening Day (spoilers)
Does anyone get this episode? I watched it yesterday and it totally confuses me.
From what I can tell, in the beginning, the wife is cheating on her husband and has plotted with her lover to kill him. However after this is done the lover returns to a weird dreamlike world where the previous night is repeating itself but suddenly the tables are turned, or so he thinks. The lover is now the husband, as is shown by an old photo which has transformed, and the friend is the redhead guy. The lover obviously thinks he knows everything about the ongoing affair and murder plot, but the wife swears on the redhead guy's innocence. So he goes out to hunt with redhead guy expecting the murder attempt, but instead winds up drowning by accident and it turns out it was true, they weren't plotting to kill him. When redhead guy goes home and tells the wife, she's all like I'm glad it wasn't you. And their old picture shows them together again, seeming to indicate that redhead guy was the husband all along and the strange events happened in some alternate dimension.
So what has happened; basically the lover died through a bit of Twilight Zone justice, and in the end the wife is simply relieved because she really loved her husband? This doesn't make sense because in the beginning she was the one coldly insisting on the murder while the lover was hesitant.