The core problems of this show
It's easy to fathom the story of a kid, who grew up with Battlestar Galactica (1978 and 1980) and Knight Rider.
That kind loved all the cool 'lasers' and 'robots' and 'technology' and 'talking cars' and glowing panels of pure future sci-fi tech and 'magical' abilities and so on and so forth.
So when all of that was starting to end, and the kid wants more, and starts looking at all kinds of directions, the horrid realization is - there IS no more. Sad truth of so many things. There will never be more of 'The Matrix' (NONE of the sequels give you actually 'more of this'), just for one example.
This kid doesn't realize this, however, and desperately starts grasping at anything that might seem like a 'replacement', so this kid eventually bumps into MacGyver and Street Hawk.
MacGyver seemed like a downgrade from all the excitement of space blasting robots and indestructible, 'magical', talking cars. He seemed to be just a mundane, non-magical, non-techy, non-futuristic, etc. guy, who just tinkers with normal things and nothing that interesting happens.
It is always the weird and cartoonish 'casino' episode that makes it seem elevated - with the 'bending light tubes' and other weird, but cool hacks, it looks like it could actually be a great show, after all.
Now, Street Hawk promises a lot, but does it deliver?
I mean, after coming from K.I.T.T. and K.A.R.R., you expect this would be 'that, but instead of a car, it would be a motorcycle'. Had it BEEN that, maybe things could have been interesting.
However, this is NOT that.
I don't know if the concept had anything to do with Knight Rider or K.I.T.T., but as a kid watching this after those other shows, you are almost guaranteed to be heavily disappointed. This is way more mundane, less 'magical', the bike is just something R/C (was that his name?) would ride in the sillier episodes of Knight Rider.
The main problems of this 'bike replacement' thing is, that it's not 'big enough'. What I mean is not the physical size (though it factors in), but that the bike just isn't magical, interesting, feature-packed, or different from a regular motorbike ENOUGH.
I don't remember if the helmet has any 'tech HUD', but K.I.T.T. had all kinds of interesting scanning and manipulating abilities, even telekinesis. You could scan anything, you could analyze anything, you would get visuals of molecular level or a large map depicting locations, a blueprint of a factory or office building and so on.
What can this bike 'scan'?
The main problems, the very CORE of the problems are:
- The bike is not 'interesting' enough - it's just a fast bike with some guns or whatnot. It's abilities do not make a kid excited the way K.I.T.T.'s 'magical' ones do
- The bike does not have a 'presence'.
This is a huge one, and hard to explain. First of all, the rider is always on top of the bike, and seems physically bigger, more menacing than the tiny bike itself. The bike doesn't come off as an eerie, ghostly figure, capable of operating by itself, like K.I.T.T. does. I can't imagine this bike doing 5% of the interesting stuff the car has done in the show, like mimicking 'multiple caps arriving', breaking through prison walls, taking gunshots, eluding thieves, escaping facilities, meeting its long-lost brother (sort of), making humorous statements ("I have a strange feeling about this" Michael: "What are you talking about, you have no feelings!" K.I.T.T.: "I know, that's what's strange about it." - as a kid, this is just cool and eerie, as an adult, it's funny as fjord)
The physical size, unfortunately, matters. This kind of a car can have a menacing presence (look at how much K.A.R.R. scares the drunkards and even other people). That car can appear to be a 'ghost', some unexplainable monster to be scared of, it can arrive in a very powerful and impactful way, and when it jumps over or through something, it's explosive and immense.
A very fast motorbike with a couple of guns? Err... I mean, cool, I guess.. maybe?
Even if this bike WAS bulletproof, this feature would not protect the driver/rider. With K.I.T.T. being bulletproof, it's a whole different and more 'omnipotent being is protecting you' feel.
This bike just doesn't have what K.I.T.T. has, and of course the last nail in that coffin (besides so many things I omitted) is that.. the bike has no personality.
The bike is, instead of a cool, magical wizard the protagonist knows, who can summon any kind of amazing and useful magical things, is like a turbo hammer. It's a fine tool, can do more than a regular hammer, but at the end of the day, it just sits there, doing nothing.
It does not start pondering about mysteries of life, existence, Xeno's paradox or anything when it is left alone, its scanner slowly humming while camera pans out. This kind of atmospheric scene with all its philosophical emotional impact would be impossible with this bike.
The bike does not talk. Does it even have a name?