MovieChat Forums > Street Hawk (1985) Discussion > Where is the motorcycle now?

Where is the motorcycle now?

Does anyone know what happened to the motorcycles? I have heard they made up to 15 differnt ones for the series and at least 4 differnt styles. One of the latest ones I know was sold on E-Bay for $12000 to the original stuntman that rode it in the series. There was also a guy Eric Nagy in Florida bought one and claimed that he was going to mold the body and sell it as a kit. What happened to this guy? His website is now gone. He also delt with Knight Rider replica parts. If any one knows anything put it on here. I would like to see what it looks like now.



I think that he closed up shop, you can still get the Kitt parts out there but as the car & bikes are well over the 20 year mark finding one worth converting is slowly becomming close to impossable.

Not to mention the price for conversion parts were anything but cheap, nor the fact that in most states you can't drive a completed one on the roads (I'm not sure about the bike's, but I know that the car's were not legal)

In many ways the market for the conversion kits were kind of doomed from the start.
