MovieChat Forums > Small Wonder (1985) Discussion > Big Wonder this made it to TV

Big Wonder this made it to TV

My wife and I were joking about this bad show last night and how American pop culture has so diminished the expectations of it's audience, some of the worst ideas are praised, simply because some greedy (and barely creative) decision-maker had the audacity to air such rubbish in the first place.

I decided to look it up here, this morning.

When I first saw this excuse for a regular series, I had just tuned in on the opening pilot and credits, and presumed it was a send-up of any 50s or 60s sitcom, contained within some new comedy or variety show. With its terrible acting, annoying characters, sloppy writing, inept direction, annoying theme-song, annoying incidental music, and unnaturally timed canned laugh-track, this show was one of those serious sci-fi depictions of bad entertainment in the "future". Occasionally, over several seasons, in sick perversion, I watched a few more, to see if it would get any better. It got worse and even more predictable than the pilot I stumbled upon.

It just had to be a cosmic-joke, right? It was, wasn't it????

I was incredibly shocked that this garbage-dump made it to TV. But even at the time, I realized FOX was still looking for an identity for itself. Too bad they tried to find one in this show. Because none of these supposedly human characters had barely more personality than the android Vicki.

The only thing any of them had up on the android's personality deficiencies, they were all snide, conniving, shallow and manipulative.

All of the actors had that annoying 30-second appeal people have in television commercials. No surprise, since I remember all of these "actors" from previous annoying and intelligence-mocking TV ads.

Ironically, Vicki the "emotionless" robot was the very best actor on this show.

Anyone that liked this show was definitely a casualty of American media manipulation, dumbing down of their expectations and fooling themselves. If anyone can say, deep down, honestly, this was good, they needed to get out more in the 1980s.

Or at least turn off the TV for a few weeks.


I liked it. Get over yourself.


This show ruled, you are and your wife suck man.




You three are absolutely pathetic. Trying to put down this guy and defend unarguably awful television by claiming it was different (well, that and pathetically trying to insult a married man with insinuations of homosexuality)?
It was unique, so that makes it all right that it failed in every aspect of decency?
No, it was unique because nobody (save, I suppose, you three) would be moronic enough to attempt something of this magnanimous ineptitude!


What surprises me, is that people rip on older shows like small wonder, green acres, and the charmings.

How much you want to bet that the same people ripping on these older shows consider bull**** like FEAR FACTOR and these other "REALITY SHOWS" to be the greatest thing ever shown on television?

The most likely also think shows like "Joan Of Arcadia" suck eggs.

But of course EVERYBODY knows idiots like them are the majority! that's why we are stuck with TRASH TV.

And if you want Small wonder - CROSS YOUR FINGERS! I have 35 tapes coming from a network station, last recorded on in the 80's. If luck is on our side, it will be among the programs on these tapes!


Most of the same comments can be made about nearly every TV show, especially sitcoms and shows made for children. Get over yourself and realize that it was a quirky, stupid TV show that all of us kids who wished our pain in the butt sister was a robot and could do all that stuff (and would without complaining) LOVED. I hardly remember the show because I watched it when I was 7, but I've remembered it and had been trying to figure out the name of it for the past 15 years. Apparently, so have a bunch of other people. It can't be that bad.


**clap**... Thank you! You took the words out of my mouth... It's a show for kids... It doesn't have to make logical sense... I loved that show and I wish it was still on even though I'm almost 21 now.

It's not that I don't care... Oh sure, that's part of it... -Al Bundy


I never would have imagined a show like Small Wonder could incite such hostilities among people. It's pretty funny. Can't we all just get along?



I remember seeing this one time (and it drove me crazy trying to figure out the name of the show today). I never seen it back in its day (I'm 16), I used to watch its reruns on TV when I was 7 or 8 years old. I liked it then, but looking back on it, I don't think I would care too much for it now. Most of the adults I know didn't like it either, so I would say it was made more children. I didn't pay much attention to the acting, but I don't think the actors were that great, I mean they weren't like the greatest actors ever (imo), and the storyline was more for children. The actors (most of them) have done very little, if anything at all in show business since the mid 1990's.


I was born in 1977. I remember hating this show and the litte homo, Jamie, when the original episodes were on. However, around 1995 the show would air late night on Fox. Myself and several of my friends were hooked on the horrific acting. C'mon-Harriet and Reg! Unreal! I'll never forget the middle of the night lineup. 3:30 AM - Three's Company, 4:00 AM - Small Wonder, 4:30 AM - Mr. Belvedere. Bedtime at 5:00 AM. The good old days. How I want to be back in college. Beer, ladies, and Small Wonder! Thanks Mom and Dad.


I've always wondered if it was nostalgia why I still like the star wars movies.

But if that were the case, I would still like this show, which I don't. But I do remember watching it as a kid. The ridculousnes of it never phased me back then.

so I think it's safe to say star wars is better than small wonder :)

Why am I here? I'm bored, and going to some of the most obscure 80's tv show sites I can (charles in charge is next). Charles in Charge at least had some attractive girls on it. This show had nothing.


I was born in 1977 as well. I went to college in 1996 I live in Canada though. I always used to watch Mr. Belvedere it was on about 3 am however Small wonder wasn't (crying). I haven't seen Small Wonder since the 80's and it never aired in reruns over here either once it was cancelled. I remember really liking this show eventhough when it first aired I was almost 8 years old. It was on in the perfect time slot it used to be on either before or after ALF.

I remember this one episode where Vicki lifts up a tree I forget what episode as I don't recall that much as it has been a long time. I also liked Harriet's mother no , no , no ,no ,no ,no! played by Edie Mclurg oh.... and by the way she rules in Ferris Buellers Day off my Favourite Movie. What more can I say this show rocks.

If anyone has never seen this show you can actually download 3 of the episodes from the yahoo group VICI. They hopefully will get more episodes in the future. I wish they would release this on DVD!!!.


It was a tv show for little kids you dumbass! (MIMI16) Get over it.

I dont hold grudges and I am pissed that after all these years you still think I do! - F.S.


As abject a pile of crap that Small Wonder was, there is actually an even worse show in t.v. history: Green Acres. Green Acres makes Small Wonder look like Shakespeare.


I'm pretty sure when you was young you liked a stupid show. Of course as an adult the tv shows back in the day are corny as hell as of today. Back then it was great. Children like corny stuff, to them it's great. When I watch shows thatI liked back in the days now, I say to myself, I actually liked this crap. So most of the times when kids like a show the adult will not. It's all for the children. Let them have their pointless tv shows. It's part of their imagination and creativity.


I don't really remember the show too much, because I never saw it when it first came out. The only shows I've seen have been in re-runs.

It was a different time in the 60s, 70s, & 80s. There were different expectations of what was right and wrong and what could be shown on TV.

At the same time this aired, you had other shows like Different Strokes and Perfect Strangers.

All these shows are mild compared to today's basic, non-cable television show.

Small Wonder is kind of corny, but it's cute. When I see it now, I see how it was set up for adolecents, 8-12 years old, and parents to watch together.

I am sorry you do not like the show, but others do. Please do not 'badmouth' a show because you don't like it. It is the equivlent of 'badmouthing' an actor you do not like, but others do. It makes no sence.

Blessed Be.



I love how this guy made the post in 2002 (!), and it's STILL getting replies!

But, yeah, let's just let it die. It was originally a flame post to draw attention, and it's succeeded beyond its wildest dreams. Lay it to rest among Alexa and CoolWeb, and let's talk about more relevant stuff.


I was frigging 5 years old when this show came out.I saw the reruns threw the 90's as I was becoming a teen.If you don't like the show fine.But don't go around judging the people who liked it.They were little kids when they were watching it.

What the hell did you expect 80's children to do? They were too young to do many things.Act like a frigging adult if you truly are one.You and wife ripping apart a show Children loved.What class not!

Go back to watching your characters eating bugs and shooting bottle caps out their bottoms. .

Bound for Destination Anywhere
Regrets Becoming An IMDB Member
