Quite a disappointing disrespectful episode I thought.
Jack just throws his religion on the floor and has sex with Paige while her family don't even know if she is alive or dead and Paige doesn't know if her family is alive or dead, when Jack left to find Paige, Lauren was in a bad way.
Paige went from Mark to Tyler to Mark then to Jack.. so I feel that they have thrown away a somewhat new character in Jack the priest for yet another relationship for Paige. I also don't know what Jack sees in Paige.
It's like they used religion to sex up the relationship.
Also why did it take so long for anyone to check on Elly?
I thought the nurses was quite disrespectful to Karl, after all the years that Karl has worked there I would have thought people would have supported him straight away and only possibly wavered when facts came to light. Not judge him the second he walked into the hospital and then gossiped with nurses about it.
Also a tree broke Paige's fall.. a tree.. Is this a marshmallow tree? Or a cloud tree? A Australian pillow tree? A tree, yet no injuries!!
Yes, it was pretty horrible, from the fact that Jack and Paige happened, to the fact that they killed disposable non-regular Regan and not Elly (oh well, maybe Brad will still kark it).
I am fed up with the "it's the guest character" 'solution'.
They claim that someone is going to die and focus on the main characters only for the guest to die. Someone killed or hurt someone and they focus on main character suspects only for it to be the guest character that did it.
And in this case it was even weirder as we never saw Regan again once she entered the hospital.. it was 'Oh, her, she's dead'. Regan's death just seems to be a set up for trouble with Karl and while I am glad Karl is getting an actual storyline about him, I would prefer if it wasn't Karl in trouble.
As for Elly, I can't stand the character, but she was ignored by pretty much everyone.
Where was Susan and Terese?
Steph being in a accident seemed pointless as well and I am not sure why Paul is trying to protect Jimmy for what was a accident that Steph wouldn't want to press charges for anyway, that if the drone did hit Steph, even though Jimmy lost control of it way before then.
The Jimmy thing is silly and just an excuse for Paul be mischievous.
Jack and Paige forgetting the others was a terrible misjudgment by the writers.
I'm glad it was Regan as it moves the Jacka stuff forward and I like the other girls. I reckon Ned was telling Brad he accidently burnt Jacka's Mum's house down.
I like Elly and agree it was a disgrace she was left with only Angus to greet her.
What happened with the drone was a complete accident, Jimmy wouldn't have gotten into trouble and Steph wouldn't have allowed it. I also don't know how the drone would have hit Steph anyway.
I can't stand Paige and I am going off Jack quite a lot. He should have stayed away from Paige, I am disappointed he threw away the church. It's just the same old same old, expect in this storyline religion was the enemy stopping them getting together instead of some other obstacle.
I honestly didn't care who died, I am only disappointed it was Regan because once again they did the 'who will die' and it's only the guest character cop out.
I don't care for Elly, but even I thought that was really off the way she was treated by others. Wasn't Mark the only one of them to go to her? And that took a while, so for how long was she actually dead before Mark started CPR? Where was Susan? And as Karl wasn't working, instead just waiting around for new about Regan, why wasn't he sitting with Elly?
The potential drone thing kind of reminded me of the recent Casualty season premiere, where the drone caused the helicopter to crash and the boy who owned it did get charged.There did seem to be a key difference though in that Jimmy wasn't in control of it when the accident happened.
I saw that episode, I got the impression that the kid purposely flew the drone close to the helicopter as he was actually watching the drone when flying it and would have clearly seen the helicopter.
Would they be able to tell that Jimmy lost control of the drone? I hope Jimmy's police warning wasn't a official police warning as he did nothing wrong.
It looked to me like Mark started CPR immediately.Elly was moaning while he was with her then suddenly stopped.I think they checked on her pretty quickly, I remember Ben giving Karl an update on her earlier on.