Dick hungry Aaron

All he has to do is walk past a guy in the street and he'll think they are gay and interested in him.... 😁

I think you are the cause of this. I think you are evil. EVIL!!!


He's not quite that bad.

I actually wonder if David might be a bit in denial of his sexuality.


I thought the same thing about David too. Perhaps they will do another "conflicted about my sexuality" storyline - and he will turn out straight.


There certainly is a lot of speculation about it, whatever happens. I think it'd be more interesting if he did turn out to be gay, though.


Would be best if he turned out to be bi, but Neighbours usually acts like bisexuals never exist (they won't even call Steph bi.)


I thought they had called Steph bi, but it could be that I just think of her that way, too.
