Jack & Son??

Quickly: how is Sonja/Sonia/Sonya actually spelt in this instance?

I fkucing hate JackπŸ˜΅πŸ˜‘πŸ˜€ξ‚›...

He is a terrible person - but not in a necessary evil way, like Paul...Just a whiny bitch!
He isn't a great actor.
He is an underdeveloped character; I don't feel like I know his personality, other than bratty,whiny,judgy,and pious - which isn't enough for me - does he have a sense of humour?
He doesn't even provide the eye candy factor for me.

I feel awful typing the last one - but at least Paige is hot along with being bratty,whiny,and judgy. I just son't see what he contributing to the show.😞

I'm on a PC today -so it's emoticon party time!ξ§ξžξ―ξ‚¬

🐨Have you ever?...Ever felt like this?🐷


it spelled Sonya

and yeah he terrible if got rid of the will they won't they will Paige he might get some decent storylines and not be so painful to watch


Both Paige and Jack have the eye candy factor for me, but they get sooo annoying!!!


I thought for a minute Jack was going to have a kid (Son!)

I think he does have a sense of humour, it's just been a bit buried.


Haha, sorry about that.


I think that's what got me considering Paige getting pregnant, actually.

Though I wouldn't put it past Simone to have had a kid and not told him either.

So apparently I have found someone I hate...


Ah, so there's the silver-lining.

Oooh - that'd be interesting too.

Yaay for hate, I love having a character to hate - so long as the character has purpose too.

🐨Have you ever?...Ever felt like this?🐷


There's always a silver lining right?

I think it could be.

I don't know if I hate her as much as I thought I did, but I definitely don't like her either. I'm not one to hate characters a lot of the time - I'm usually indifferent more than hate.


There is.

Me too.

I know, that's why I got excited when I thought you'd come over to the dark side.

🐨Have you ever?...Ever felt like this?🐷


Ah well. There have been characters I've hated, just not too many.




:) I just don't get worked up or something. Most of the time ;)
