Summer Series - The Cannings
The Frankston jokes started in the first 2 minutes!! Seriously?!? Come on, I know I did bag on it before and call it "Franger", but that is as a local!!
Someone who was born in Frankston Hospital!!!
It's not a bad place, and certainly not the way it's given description on Neighbours!!
House prices are climbing, you'd be lucky to find a place that isn't pushing half a million dollars now....unless you're looking in Frankston North, which is a little rougher but certainly has nice areas as well.
But hello did you people who have never been down here to Frankston, see the beach we have!??!
Yep, that is one of the beautiful perks we have down here, unlike the city and the concrete jungle!! Beach all the way from down the Mornington Peninsula up to St Kilda!!
Still trying to work out where the house is though.......that one is a little harder to pinpoint!
"The line has been drawn. Pick your side... but choose wisely."