Cannot read it. Says need to subscribe.

I'm writing this signature in bold so people know it's a signature


Same thing happened to me, but after I was able to read it originally.

Here's another story, confirming that it'll be a fourteen week guest stint.


That does seem nice and long enough to be an actual storyline, and one of the big ones of the year, doesn't it?


Fourteen weeks sounds about right, much better than *gasp* what I thought it was going to be at one point, a one off guest appearance. That was what the impression I got from somewhere.


I think it will be good. Long enough to do justice to Toadie and Dee's past, and not so long it will drag out. Also not so long that it'll be weird or feel strange for things to just fade out for them. I think they'll end up figuring out that they would've been great if they'd had the chance, but it's too much water under the bridge (pun intended) and too many years. But they might give it a go before working that out.



A miracle? I really hope they don't reveal anything else. It will spoil it completely.


Her being back at all is one of those, surely? Although maybe not the strict definition?


It would be so weird and out there if Toadie and Dee actually went off together as a couple or something, and Mark got together with Sonya. It would completely throw us all for six, if Toadie WAS LEAVING, that is. Dee obviously can't stay as long as he has. Madeleine's going to be writing and directing an episode too.

I can be one of the most cynical guys on the planet, believe me. This whole thing happening makes me feel like a kid watching "Pinocchio".


I can't really see him leaving, though? Then again, it could happen. Oh I like when actors get to do other things.

That's oddly cute - I'm the opposite of cynical 99% of the time.


I can tell :) Never lose that.


Not half obvious, I know ;) I try not to, at least. I do try to be realistic, though.
