2017 perdictions

please no spoilers only your own personnel theorys and guesses

so we know mothers don't last long and a double pregnancy is rare (other than Sonya and Vanessa has it been done)

so do think think one will miscarry or neighbours may do there first abortion storyline (highly doubt it given the shows and just Sonya and Paige situations)

or they both have the babies and one or both leave

ways I can see Paige pregnancy playing out

this finally brings her and Jack together but that feel so easy for them so maybe she lies about who the father is she can't use Tyler he was to long ago and doubt she do it to Piper even he he was sooner. Paige and David could come to an agreement where she says it his and he uses that as a front for being gay but I doubt that theory. Another could be Paige faking a miscarriage to get Jack off the hook and she leaves for while and comes back very pregnant or with a baby (possible exit stoyline for Paige)

ways I see the Sonya/Toadie/Mark/Steph/ pregnancy/ Dee return going.

this just starts whole lot issues I can see it spiting up Mark and Steph and even Sonya and and Toadie (even if it for little bit) could even maybe see Sonya and mark having a romance sort lived or long term I'm not sure . Another way they could go with this is it Toadie baby to even up the Dee return stoyline but I highly doubt they could have a baby naturally. I not sure really have the Dee being back will affect things guess who depends how they play out her return only ways can go about this is Fake your own death,held captive amnesia witness protection or Twin don't know about/random who just looks just like her. Really hope it not the last one I said. I've said from start i think the surrogacy stoyline could be exit storyline for one or more of the 4 involved and even more sure of it given how unlikely is have two new mums stay long term. So maybe Toadie Dee leave together happy ever after or Sonya and Mark get together and leave with the baby have new start or stay with there new family if it is Dee and Toadie who leave

Piper and Tyler

I hope things just go smoothly for them for a while other than Terese being angry about ti and maybe that make Piper move over to Brad and Lauren and it push Terese over to Paul

Ned and Elly

either Ned going go jail over fire and think be waste of charterer or he stick about and him and Elly become a thing. Think thing Elly hiding is maybe she almost cross line with a student before or maybe more like what Gemma did few years ago and showed favoritism to the boys and was hard on girls (also playing into her issues with Piper)

so yeah few out there ideas some I even highly doubt will play out I'm just listing any possible way i can see things going so yeah make your own predictions of way you see things going and other stoylines you see happening next year. This topic could be fun look at later next year see if any of us where close


Steph leaves Neighbours again in 2017 as Carla contact expiries next year and Carla already doing theatre work and so it intercedes that Carla looking at working on projects.


I said no spoilers


That's not spoiler I am just saying I hope She does leave!.


Guessing what a soap would do with these storylines and guessing what Neighbours would do with these storylines is a little different.

I could see Paige having a abortion, but it's Neighbours... so..

How many times has Paige said it is 'finally' over with Jack now? How many times has Jack told Paige nothing can happen between them? They never leave each other alone. I hope Jack doesn't leave the church. I can see maybe Paige leaving with this storyline whatever happens.

It could even somewhat mirror Lauren's pregnancy storyline with Paige, only no lying grandmother. Paige could leave without telling Jack she is pregnant, have the baby, give it up for adoption and Jack will never know he has a child. Paige could then stay away or return and be very awkward around Jack.

I think Paige is going to leave no matter what happens with the baby, I also can't see Paige with a baby, she didn't want one any time soon with Mark.

As for Sonya, Toadie could be the father, it's just a really long shot, but it's not real life. It's going to cause a lot of tension with both couples and I can see both couples splitting, even if just for a short time. I don't want to see Mark and Sonya dating, but I bet they will get closer which will annoy Toadie and Steph. I would not be surprised if it is Toadie and Sonya's baby, I just hope the couples don't split for good, especially Mark and Steph.

Whatever happens with the couples, I bet this baby will be born and live with whoever it's parents are, unlike Paige's baby where I think it will either end in adoption or abortion.

I have no idea what they are going to do with Dee. Is she going to just be a guest character? Could just be around to give more distance between Toadie and Sonya. I am just waiting to know what excuse they have for Dee not returning after the accident. And I hope the whole thing is more than just a excuse to push Toadie away from Sonya, they need to delve into the past, make it just about Toadie and Dee.

Your failures are your own, old man!


There has been double pregnancy before. Gabby and Cheryl. They both called their kids Shannon. Then opted for their middle names. Louise and Zac. Repeated with Vanessa and so ya both wanting to call their babies Nell


cheers for that. all those stoyline many years before i started watching


If someone leaves, it will be Paige. And she can take Jack with her... Maybe one day, she can come back, with the child and without Jack. A priest story line is really just a gimmick, it can't last.

I hope Sonya won't leave. I don't think she will. The baby can be born, but strictly speaking, it won't be hers. It will be Mark's baby. I can't see Steph sticking around (she's not keen). She might fall for another woman, which would be cool honestly...

With Mark living in the street, Sonya can see her child grow up. One day though, Mark might want to leave and take his child with him. That's when we will finally see Sonya relapse into addiction :-)

But this is long term thinking, of course. At least two more seasons...


I would actually quite like to see a double pregnancy. We know from the preview that she tells Jack she's pregnant. If one ends in a miscarriage or other bad way, I would put my money on Paige, but that could in a weird way make it more likely for it to be Sonya?

For David, I can see him fighting against his nature for a while, due to his grandmother's dying request. Plus I am sure we'll find out who David and Leo's dad is and I'm still betting on it being a regular, my feeling is it might be Gary because he fits every one of the boxes - right age, bad boy, resident at the time. He wasn't a doctor, but that could be misdirection or we could find out he went to medical school at some stage as well. He has the wrong name but I'm 99.9% sure that's misdirection. I think David will either get together with Aaron or Aaron will be the one who helps him come out or both.

I really want to know why Leo was feeding a baby wombat but I could watch half an hour of him with cute baby animals with no story reason at all (I like cute baby animals and I've yet to see the guy who doesn't look cute cuddling them) - serious prediction, it's trying to get back into Amy's good books in some way. I think Leo and Amy might find their way back together.

Rob Mills' character will be related to Elly's secret, maybe he's a former colleague that knows about it? Also I predict they will find some reason, convoluted or not, for Rob to sing - I suppose he could be a music teacher and that could be the way they do it. Because if you have Rob Mills, he sings (well, hopefully). Yes, I am a fan.

It takes at least six months to resolve the Paul/Therese/Gary triangle and there'll be some time during that six months it could go either way. My money's on Paul being the guy she ends up with ultimately, even if the actors have said they don't want that to happen.

Hopefully Tyler and Piper just get to be together for a while. I also think Tyler's giving up his share in the house might come back to haunt him for some reason.

I have no idea what will happen with Dee. I'm hoping it will be a good storyline.

I hope Xanthe and Ben can be happy, if sort of star-crossed, for a while. I think there's going to be a Canning-Kennedy feud (based on Gary overhearing Karl over the Brook stuff), so they might do a Romeo & Juliet style thing, but probably nothing involving the ending of that tragedy.

I hope they keep Ned around somehow.


I like the Mark leaving with the baby idea and Sonya relapse plus whole Dee thing could set her into a relapse and that might be why Mark dose take bubs away. Only part don't like is it similar to Steph Dan Adam

or if Sonya and Toadie split cause of Dee return could make her want be the baby mother especially if Steph bows out which is very likely


That could be interesting, even if similar.

Oh! I also wonder if they could make this the last chance Sonya has to have a baby somehow, so that makes her want to keep going as well?


I could see Steph leaving hence her and mark not working out, no wedding no children, baby turns out to be toadies, thats why they not credits together and by todays scene I predict Mark and Paige reunite, she still loves him
