Still married

So if that is the real Dee then isn`t technically her and Toadie still married and Toadie and Sonya not legal then?. It hasn`t been brought up yet or if someone has been declared dead for a long period of time does it make the marriage not valid anymore?.


Well she would have to get herself legally declared alive first, since she is still legally dead at the moment Toadie and Sonya's marriage is perfectly legal.

I'm writing this signature in bold so people know it's a signature


Ok but if she that is the real Dee and she declares herself alive , then would Toadie and Sonya`s marriage been not valid?.


In the question & answer video on the Neighbours Facebook page, Ryan and Madeleine basically say that because of the death certificate they're no longer married. Something like that. You'd have to check it out.


Ok thanks , just thought the writers forgot to mention that .
