MovieChat Forums > Neighbours (1991) Discussion > Real Dee or Fraud Dee?

Real Dee or Fraud Dee?

For once I am going to try and avoid spoilers as this could go either way.

Dee could really have survived and have memory loss.

Or she is a fraud that hasn't remembered all the details about Dee's life.

And I am quite excited to find out which is right. Not keen on the rest of the show though.

Your failures are your own, old man!


Even though I'd love her to be a fraud (because it would make more sense frankly and be more interesting), the most likely explanation seems to be that it's the real one but she's got a Dark Secret.


I'm thinking that too. She is real, but something is going on, which is making her more suspicious.

But I hope they do similar to what they did today with Dee not remembering things that she should have, which makes you question whether or not she is the real Dee.

Your failures are your own, old man!


for me, with all the returnee's coming back involving Dee, I really think if Darcy came back into the show and was evolved in this storyline it would open so many potential different avenue's and ways this could pan out.


It will be great if more came back, but I would want at least 1 to stick around full time.

Your failures are your own, old man!


I like the idea that Emily is really controlling and has essentially kept Dee hostage (hence not going to the police, nursing her herself etc). Dee then developed Stockholm syndrome which is why she's so defensive about Emily now. Perhaps Emily convinced Dee that her sister was dead? That Toad was happy with someone else? Persuaded Dee that Toadie wasn't trying to look for her?


This reminds me so much of the story of Anastasia. The daughter of the last Tsar of Russia, they thought she survived the horrible deaths of her family. The woman they thought was her/could have been her knew enough to make things weird (which I have a personal conspiracy theory about). She did turn out not to be, but the whole memory loss/not knowing things properly is very similar to Dee.


Yes, yes, yes! I thought that too. I watched a documentary last year where actually they thought it might have been MARIA and not Anastasia who escaped. It was SO convincing. But the evidence wasn't concluded, I think. They'd need to test the DNA from their living descendants to find out. But Anastasia sadly wasn't proven real. It's because we wanted them to survive, because it was so horrible what happened. I'm very interested in royalty.


It really is a similar situation - even to the animated movie. Oh it was almost certainly that people wanted them to have survived, yes. I know for me when they found all the bodies, in way I was glad the world knew, but the rest of me wasn't. Anyway, I just feel like this storyline is so similar, the way it plays out. Yes, I think they did.

It's my other obsession. Don't start me going on about the Tudors (or more likely the Stuarts) or I'll never be quiet ;)


Yes, to the animated movie as well. Remember how I was talking about Jim Steinman btw? He produced Rasputin's song "In the dark of the night" for this too, so small world really. There's part of us that really wants it to be true, that one of them might actually have survived, because of how horrible it was. You'll know then that George V was Tsar Nicholas II's cousin and they were going to grant them asylum in England which they withdrew because they were afraid it would topple the British monarchy as well. George V changed the family name as well to Windsor during the First World War.

I'm very interested in the Tudors. Stuarts, I have to admit I'm hazy.


To be as fair as possible to George V, after the rest of the royals were murdered, he did arrange for the retrieval of his aunt Maria, Nicholas II's mother, from Russia, allowing her to live out the last ten years of her life in England and Denmark.


And he didn't know that they were going to do that to them. He was horrified when he found out and said it was cold blooded murder.


Oh that's true. I think he just made the wrong decision in the end and he probably regretted it forever, of course. It was just a terrible time for the world, really, the first World War was on the doorstep of happening also.


Oh that's very cool.

Yes, exactly. I also saw something where it said the lady who claimed to be her kept the idea alive even to those who doubted.

Yes, I do, and also George V and Nicholas looked a great deal alike.

So very sad.

Tudors are interesting. The Stuarts are almost as dramatic, in their way.


I doubt she's a fraud, it would be weird for someone to be that similar to Dee.
Unless it's her sister, she could look like Dee. Maybe her sister went off the grid for a reason and decided to become Dee in order to resume a semi normal life.

Then we would have to wonder: did her sister decide to become dead Dee, or was Dee indeed still alive and killed by her own sister (who perhaps also killed the parents) in order to get money from the Bliss estate? I would imagine Dee was indeed still alive and killed by her own sister, because someone was buried and clearly everyone presumed her to be Dee's sister...

Dee's sister could look a lot like her, but Toady should know that, did he ever meet her sister? It would explain why she would know most things, but not everything.


Cecille was a character in the show around the same time as Dee. I remember first seeing her when she was picking on Michelle (Scully) at school. I remember being surprised that they were actually sisters. Cecille was at the wedding so Toadie definitely would have known her to some extent. I love these theories, but--and obviously I could be wrong about this--my instinct is that it's really her but that she's being manipulated by 'Emily' and I think Sindi has something to do with this.


I think you could be right about Sindi.

I can't remember Cecile but I just googled her and dunno... could be a possibility, with surgery at least. It would explain why she knows some stuff but not everything. If there's a link with Darcy, he could have hooked her up with a dodgy plastic surgeon.

Far fetched perhaps :-) At the moment, we know nothing.


The whole point is Dee was never found and never buried, hence why they all think this woman could be Dee.


i'm fairly sure she's dee but she just has some dark secrets. fairly standard soap stuff!


I hate that they brought Dee back. Pointless

But I am intigued by the story and wonder how dark it could actually be on Neighbours


I'm on the fence she's acting weird over things but can't blame her for not remember Elle I can't either although can remember Tad. If she's had a brain injury would make sense that she can't remember everything.

I'm looking forward to finding out the full truth as been a soap got to be more coming.
