MovieChat Forums > Neighbours (1991) Discussion > The pendulum swings Wildly back and fort...

The pendulum swings Wildly back and forth

If it's a Dee impostor, one of the worst storylines they've ever done, and an insult to a great character/great memory of the show's history, and for what purpose?

If it IS Dee, then it's one of their best. ever.!!!


I don't know, it could work if it is an impostor if it's done right? Which so far it seems to be.

But yes on the second.

I'm trying to think if I've ever seen something (related to all the speculation) where someone was pretending to be a presumed dead person and turned out to be them suffering from amnesia. Of course I thought of Anastasia (actually more the Ingrid Bergman movie than the animated one) but I feel like there's another well known story like that I am unable to think of.


I've been thinking about what you said about Anastasia. Omg. That's the one that's going to stop me from being really mad if it isn't Dee. Haha thank you.


I really feel like they've at least pulled the trope/idea from it - it's just so very similar. Maybe not on purpose even. But I think it could be really interesting. I'm so curious how all the unexplained stuff will fit in now!


It never even occurred to me, so very well spotted on your behalf. If it IS Dee, I think at this point. It's practically genius. She's been manipulated so badly and so cruelly that she honestly thinks she's this woman conning them, and then when she DOES find out she's the real Dee, why on earth would they ever believe her? This is PHENOMENAL.


It's probably because I am so fascinated by the story in the first place that I noticed it. But it's really interesting. I think it would be a lovely and sad story for Dee if it was, though. Oh yes.

I still feel like she is Dee... somehow. Even if she doesn't think she is.


How would she have found out she looks just like Dee in the first place? Someone must have told her.

If this person is just an imposter, I agree the writers made a mistake. But we still have 2,5 months of 'Dee' left, I hope the best is yet to come.


Someone did, as she said tonight.

I still feel it's more than possible for her to be Dee and not know it, though.

That would be even more of a parallel to the movie Anastasia, and the real life story, in some ways.


After today's episode, I'm not sure.

Willow said something like "I wish the story of you raising me in the wilderness were true". That doesn't reveal whether Willow is 'Andrea's' daughter or a 'borrowed child'. The way they behave, Willow seems to be Andrea's daughter. And to me that means Andrea really can't be Dee.

I'm starting to think they messed up this story line... Unless Andrea gets away with it, at least that would be an interesting plot twist. And than we can go on wondering whether Dee survived the accident and whether she will one day shop up.


That's exactly how I feel on this Dee topic!

The writers should've just stuck with it - that she's alive after all with Toadie's child.

Not all this imposter garbage!


I'm not sure which I prefer, Dee or a impostor.

With Dee they could continue to bring her back and maybe even as a main character. Giving Toadie a teenage kid would also be good as he was great with Callum.

A imposter storyline will only last until she is caught out and then that's it. No long term gain from it. Unless Willow sticks around after Andrea is sent to jail for fraud and identity theft.

Writing it out, I guess I would have preferred real Dee for the long term gain of Dee possibly returning and a teen daughter for Toadie.

Your failures are your own, old man!


I'm sorry to offend Dee fans, but, was she really a "great" character. I can barely remember her except her and Darcy and, of course, her exit story

She wasn't really an "iconic" character like Scott and Charlene, Des, Izzy, Libby, Madge and Harold, Beth, Lou, Joe etc. That's just me personally of course
