There were several winners. As I mentioned, Ep 3 The NEXT MURDER YOU HEAR was a break through as David's "Boink" comments got Maddie thinking about getting out and about from her narrow existance. David also showed (in his style) that he cared for her.
The Black and White ep (Orson Welles!) was quite different from the usual tv blah color tedium, and gave us two views of love and crime.
Then, there was ATOMIC SHAKESPEARE. Dave and Maddie give us *their version of "Bud" Shakespeare's "TAMING OF The SHREW in full Renaissance regalia. Zounds!
For three seasons they thrilled and astounded us with wonders.
IT'S A WONDERFULL JOB is a Wonderful take on Frank Capra's marvelous Christmas movie, featuring Maddie's suicidal dream fall. A great ep by any way you look at it.
Then came the Mistake....