Off Topic... a show from mornings

I remember when Disney was still a premium channel, and I used to watch it many times before school in the mornings. I remember that Pooh was usually just getting over when I woke up, followed by Gummi Bears, and then another show... but I can't remember what the other show was called! I know it was live action and had a boy and a robot, and they showed clips from wacky races, along with other cartoons. I can even remember a tiny bit of the theme song, just the voice of the singer which I always though sounded really dumb.

Does anyone know the name of the show?


I'm pretty sure it was "Wake, Rattle, and Roll".


HAHAHA! You are right (I think)!!! I can hear the words 'Wake, rattle and roll' right now!

Thank you so much, for a little weight lifted off my back!
