MovieChat Forums > Adventures of the Gummi Bears (1985) Discussion > The Gummi Bears was basically a Disney v...

The Gummi Bears was basically a Disney version of the D+D cartoon...

Don't get me wrong. I loved The Gummi Bears and still to this day think its awesome (was more than a tad miffed that the Season 1-3 DVDs are not digitally restored), but I think in a lot of ways that it was Disney's response to the Dungeons & Dragons phenomenon. Nothing is wrong with that as its good business sense to tap into underused markets. However, I cannot help but think of Cavin and Cubby imagining being chased by Lizard Men and the fact the main antagonists are Ogres. I would be willing to bet that whomever pitched the show to the execs knew perfectly that the Dungeons & Dragons crowd was there to sell to and that the market was able to bear more than just the D&D cartoon. Of course, the voice actress of Sunni Gummi was also the voice actress of Sheila the Thief in the D&D cartoon.


Never watched that one so I can't compare. Was it aimed at kids as young as the ones Gummi Bears was geared toward?

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I wouldn't say the D&D cartoon was necessarily geared to the same age audience, but I think there were definite crossovers.
