Favorite Gummi Bear?

Okay, which of the Gummis was your favorite? Mine was Gusto. I'm sorry he wasn't on most of the episodes.


For me it would have to be bad-tempered Gruffi!
BTW, does anyone know if they are planning to make a live-action feature-film about the series? Would be really cool if they did...




Ya my favorite was probably tummi or guffi Gummi!!!


I like all of the Gummies but I'd say I identify myself with Gruffi. Even though he's got this tough look he got a good heart just like me, LOL. C ya guys


either gruffi or that gummi bear that had the eye patch that was like a warrior (he wasn't part of the gummibears from the glen, but i forgot his groups name)


My favorite characters were probably either Sunni or Cubbi.


Mine was Cubbi, especially when he was the Crimson Avenger.


Mine was always sunni as she was the only girl so th on i could relate 2. And she was yellow! I do wish she wasnt so squeeky and a bit more like Cala (noow she was cool). The barbic bear Ursa (i think) was a kick ass chick 2, but I only saw her recently, I've got into gummi bears again at uni.
gruffi is a great charachter on the guy side and gusto is cool but again i didnt meet him till recently as him and barbics were not in the earlier ones.

They are all cool though a perfect mix, but I think sunny is still my fave overall.


They were all great but like Tummi the best. He's so charmingly pathetic in a lovable sorta way. He was perfectly voiced by Lorenzo Music (May he rest in peace). Then it would be Gusto then Gruffi. GUMMI BEARS RULE!


Gruffi, because he had all the good lines! Actually I love the pairing of Grammi and Gruffi - those two were just too funny together!

Ah, the best cartoon ever made. I'm only missing one episode. I wish they'd bring the darn thing out on dvd already!

Never judge things by their appearance. Even carpet bags. I'm sure I never do.




My favourite has to be Zummi, although I like to think I have more in common with Gruffi that any of the others.


Oh, I like them all, but as a kid my favorite was always Sunni.

"And now, I'm going back in the closet...where men are empty overcoats..."




Gruffy and Tummi all the way!!! I liked the idea of Gruffi Ursa, personally. I liked her a heck of a lot better then Sunni, she wa sa heck of a lot more fun! Though I did like to see Sunni get into jams and stuff, her freindship with the princess was neat. ANother pairing I liked was the idea of Sunni Gusto, who I also liked alot, but not as much as Tummi and Gruffi.
My other fave character, even though he's a human, was Cavin.

I hate my life


Zummi man he's just sooooo awesome!!!


Absolutely voted for Gusto and Arty. Plus they were voiced by the talented Rob Paulson who really brought his lovably laid back attitude to life.

God's in His Heaven -
All's right with the world!


I remember when I was younger liking Tummi. But After watching the dvd I think I'm similar to Zummi. But I like them both.:)


Is it Tummi or Tommy? Mmm! Okey! Gruffi. Sometimes I'm like him, I work. Sometimes I'm Tummi I like to eat I sleep too.


Gruffi because he's hot! I love his short tempered personality :)


