I loved this movie

I so remember when this happened. We lived in CA then and I remember the day White shot Moscone and Milk. I was in my 30's then and remember when it came on TV. I was shocked like so many others and that image of Diane Feinstine speaking on TV about it is seered in my mind. Milk was so interesting and definitely the lightening rod for the Gay/Lesbian Community. He really brought it to the fore and it was great to see they finally had a voice. I am not gay but have a lot of respect for G&L. Have many friends that are. Dan White was your typical nut job that only saw in black and white. Who are any of us to say what is right or wrong. They didn't ask to be born this way. It is what it is and people need to quit judging. Actually as partners, many of them stay together much long then heterosexual couples.

That is the beauty of love, we need to accept people for who they are and those with those pious attitudes need to shut up. Besides, I am sure they all have skeletons in their closets that could be rattled as we all do.
