Obviously, "liberal" means something vastly different than, say, 50 yr ago.
NYT sat on Iran-Contra story for a year, because editor-in-chief was Reaganite; late Arthur Schlesinger, leading liberal light, spent 40+ yr redefining JFK, according to his invented specs.
"Liberal media" is a decoy from the ruling right wing elitist zealots. Janet Malcolm wrote that every journalist knows that what he does is morally indefensible: liberals commit the morally indefensible; right wing zealots profit by it. & So Harvey Milk, Lenny Bruce: metaphors for liberals.
Anyway, other than Mark Isham's creepy score, the best part I remember of "Times of" was the crusty old union guy telling his mates that they had to back Milk @the time he was trying get non-union brand Coors out of Castro St. bars. When City Super Milk & Mayor Moscone were shot, shooter used now-infamous "Twinkie defense," now also a metaphor for liberals. Milk was a civic activist who just happened to be gay, & we know that the establishment wonks never question what you say, just your opportunity ("Now is not a good time.") to say it. You're always a danger when you take America @its word.