MovieChat Forums > The Terminator (1984) Discussion > Why couldn't Kyle Reese deal with the Te...

Why couldn't Kyle Reese deal with the Terminator T-800?

Was is simply and purely because the T-800 needed to be sold as an unstoppable murderous machine with the intent on terminating its target? Every time Kyle, interacts with the T-800 he struggles to defeat it.

And sub-textually, did Kyle Reese need to die because John Connor was a Christ figure (his initials are J.C.) and his father did not factor into the mix? Also, since Kyle is from the future, he wouldn't have been born by a few years from then, thus wouldn't he complicated things?


Well in some ways Cameron is a feminist cuck, so he wanted to abide by the common rule around that time that females should win in the end. Thus, Kyle had to die.

However, to the screenplay's credit, Kyle explicitly states that he didn't know if he could kill the Terminator with "these weapons" (with him looking down at the shotgun he's holding).

It's true, the weapons he had access to just couldn't deal with the Terminator. Funnily enough, if the Terminator existed in RoboCop's universe he would have been made short work of by the ultra-violent hoodlums in that world due to all the high-powered weapons they had access to, which wasn't actually enough to put down RoboCop. The only thing that could stop RoboCop was anti-material rifles, or ED-209's high-caliber cannons, which dented and punctured the first layer of his titanium armor in close range combat. But I digress.

Anyway, Kyle had no access to high-powered enough weapons to kill the Terminator with ease, other than the sticky bombs he used at the end, but even then all it did was blow the endoskeleton in half.


This is a joke. Robocop was nearly defeated by the swat force, had it took one hit from the cobra assault cannon it would've been good night. Considering the terminator can function with half it's body blown in half, survive a tanker truck explosion. I doubt robocop would have survived that, sure if the terminator was unarmed in Robo's world enough hoodlums could take it down but so would Robocop as evidenced when it couldn't return fire against the swat team. I like both franchises equal but robocop loses if it goes up against a T-800.


survive a tanker truck explosion. I doubt robocop would have survived that

He did survive that:

Remember, a Terminator was -- as you mentioned -- blown in half by a small stick of homemade explosives. Robocop survived an ATGM blast, which are used as surface-to-air defense missiles to blow up military aircraft.

Robocop was nearly defeated by the swat force, had it took one hit from the cobra assault cannon it would've been good night.

HE WAS hit by the Cobra Assault cannon. The armor-piercing .50 caliber rounds from the ED-209 auto-cannons are Cobra cannons. You can see him get hit multiple times in this scene here:

That's what did the most damage to his armor. He still would have survived the Cobra Assault Cannon's HE rounds, but obviously it would have done damage.

The SWAT team arrived with AP rounds, and it wasn't so much that they were doing damage, but more-so that he was already HEAVILY damaged by ED-209's weapons, and his armor was cracked/compromised.

I like both franchises equal but robocop loses if it goes up against a T-800.

How? The T-800 couldn't even take ONE hit from a .50 caliber rifle. Guess what happened?

Yup. Lost his head in one shot.

Robocopt tanked FIVE HITS in a row from an auto-cannon shooting .50 caliber AP rounds, including a shot to the head, which at most cracked his helmet, as you can see here:

Sorry buddy, but whether in a gun fight or hand-to-hand, Robocop would rip a T-800 to pieces. T-800 has no feats equivalent to Robocop's.


Well then don't read the 90s comic series Robocop Vs. The Terminator by Frank Miller. You'll hate it.



"Well in some ways Cameron is a feminist cuck, so he wanted to abide by the common rule around that time that females should win in the end. Thus, Kyle had to die."

kyle did most work, though.

he put pipe bomb on terminator endoskeletons body.

sarah just give him coupe do grase after kyle do 99 percents fighting.


This is very true.


yes. if cameron was feminist cuck, then sarah connor would be what she was like in genisys movie, doing all the fights and reese being wuss.

reese is hero of this movie. he is tough and come to rescue of sarahs all time, in tech noir club and pig station. he is bad ass. total manlys. he die protect sarah - ultimate mission accomplish.

if this movie have femitard agenda, then sarah wouild not need rescue and she would be the one to kill terminator all by herselfs.


Have they ever described what type of metal the terminator is built from? If it is just steel it seems like Reese should have been able to damage it significantly. There are videos on YouTube which show different cartridges going through I-beams and other thick metal. Any hunting rifle would have gone through the steel skeleton of a Terminator with ease. I know at one point Kyle says he cannot defeat it with current weapons but if it's not made of some fictional metal, he really should have been able to.


It's made with titanium alloy I think?

And -- if we're going by Genisys' lore -- .50 caliber rounds can easily dispense of the Terminator, as evidenced here:

It makes some sense because high-speed vehicles moving at least 40mph provided enough pounds of pressure per square inch to induce torsional force on the Terminator's limbs (hence his leg getting twisted up in the first film after getting hit by the truck).

Small arms don't appear to do much damage, but high caliber armor piercing rounds may have done the job.


Since when was ED armed with .50 caliber rounds? If that was the case Kinney would've been splattered in pieces by the amount of shots he took. I doubt they were 9mm but .50 caliber is a long stretch. When was Robo hit by the cobra cannon I must've missed that. They missed him with every shot from what I saw. Also let's not compare the later Terminator sequels to the same rules as Robocop, cause the first two real terminator films would be the true terminator franchise. I don't count any of the later ones and I doubt the T-800's head would blow off from a .50 caliber in the true terminator films, but lets go with that logic. If that was the case how did Mr. Kinney take 200 shots from .50 caliber and not have his body splattered in pieces. Just saying what I have observed. It's obvious to me ED was not armed with .50 cal.


Since when was ED armed with .50 caliber rounds? If that was the case Kinney would've been splattered in pieces by the amount of shots he took.

Whoops. My mistake. That was in the 2014 remake ED 209 was using .50 caliber Cobra Cannon rounds:

Interestingly enough, the original Ed 209 was using 20mm auto-cannons:

In any case, you can see how the 20mm round stacks up, size-wise to the .50 caliber round:

I guess they shrunk the armament size in the Robocop 2014 remake for ED-209, even though those iterations looked a lot bigger than the one from the 1980s movie.

When was Robo hit by the cobra cannon I must've missed that.

Well, he was hit by the ED-209 cannons, which were actually LARGER rounds than what was in the Cobra Cannon. He was not hit with the HE rounds that Clarence and the crew were using, so there's no telling how Robocop would have reacted to that blast.

how did Mr. Kinney take 200 shots from .50 caliber and not have his body splattered in pieces.

Movie mistake? Or maybe ED-209 was using smaller rounds during the demonstration? Because technically, the 20mm rounds from either cannon should have turned Mr. Kinney into a splat mark in the office.

Also let's not compare the later Terminator sequels to the same rules as Robocop, cause the first two real terminator films would be the true terminator franchise.

Fair enough. We still have the Terminator being blasted to pieces by a homemade explosive tucked into its torso. That's a far smaller explosive ordinance than Robocop tanking the ATGM missile, which is used for tanks & aircraft.


Well there are videos on YouTube of people shooting thick titanium plates. Doesn't seem like anything easily accessible by Reese in the 80's would have done much, maybe if he hit some of the smaller components or hydraulics. Shotguns and 9mm rounds are just useless in any case, he should have used a high caliber rifle.
I only count the first two films of the terminator franchise.


Yeah he would have had to raid a weapons store that carried high explosive (HE) rounds and targeted the servos or connector joints. If his homemade explosive could do that kind of damage up close, he may have had some luck with a few well-placed hand grenades after the endoskeleton came out of the truck wreckage.

Funnily enough, it made me think about Arnold raiding the weapons store in Commando and grabbing a bunch of armament to literally take on an army. What's interesting is that the M202 might have actually been enough to destroy the T-800 endoskeleton, since it uses 60mm incendiary rounds:

However, I have no idea how often you might actually find a weapon like that in a weapons store in Los Angeles in the early 1980s.


He was sent back in time with no weapons, and certainly no PLASMA-based energy weapons that would easily deal with a Terminator. Simple as.


I will have to re watch Robocop and check out the scene with ED-209 fighting it, I remember it fired a missile and hit one of the walls but even if Robo was hit by one, we are talking about one hit correct? And it was already damaged by that hit alone, we can't assume the cobra cannon was less powerful or more since they were fake weapons and whatever explosive rounds they had don't really exist. In any event I'm sure if the terminator took a few hits from the ED-209's guns, or missiles it would still keep going. This is assuming the T-800 still has it's skin over the skeleton to absorb some of the damage, but I didn't try to turn this into a Terminator vs Robocop topic so we can agree to disagree or not that Robo and T-800 are equals lol

As to the original question why couldn't Reese deal with the Terminator? Is it not obvious? He doesn't have access to military weaponry, and the Terminator can easily kill him if it's armed up the teeth with weapons of it's own.


What is the cobra cannon? That phased-plasma weapon from the future I mentioned?



Um, we're talking about TERMINATOR here, not Robocop!


You might want to read Castortroy82s post again.


Yep, it's literally that simple.

Another reason why Salvation pisses me off because...they're actually in the future, and they seem unable to handle anything Skynet throws at them lol


This movie was just awful. The only Terminator films worth watching are Geneysis, Salvation and Dark Fate


What kind of question is this? Why should Reese be able to dispatch a Terminator easily?


They were from a nother planet and were made of a substance almost unkillable by human standards. On another note, Wow! What a bizzare movie.


I don't get how you could think that as Reese himself said the terminators came froma network created by humans that computers used. He doesn't say anything about them coming from other planets and invading. If that was the case, Kyle and John wouldn't have taken down their defense grid. There'd also be no point in them sending a terminator through time cause they could just send a signal to their home planet to have more Terminators sent.


kyle is ask my sarah "can he defeat it". he reply "i dont know.. with these weapons i dont know"

kyle could take terminator in future with phased plasma rifle with a 40 watt range. in present with oozee nyne milla meetah.. not as simples.
