When you see something scary and shocking for a few seconds, and never again, you can't be 100% sure what you saw, and the shock may affect your judgment and even what you see or what you don't see. Something can be as plain as can be, but you can't see it due to your emotional state (happened to me recently).
You just 'won't see it', despite it being there.
The guy could possibly have just seen "a weird face", and that's all he remembers, heck, it's possible he SAW 'a weird face' instead of 'robotic face with red eye'. He might not even have ever seen the red, or the eye. He might be color-blind and not even be able to see red color.
Often traumatic events are quickly forgotten and deleted from our memory so we can better cope. Could be that in a week, he doesn't even remember seeing anything, or remember at all what happened exactly. 'We were driving and .. somehow.. I got out and went home. I can't remember more, sorry'.
A human psyche is fragile and protects itself.