The Terminator is a vision-originated, innovative movie involving genius, originality and inspiration. It is an artwork by dedicated, professional and extremely talented people.
The other movie you refer to, is a 'hollywood blockbuster' that destroys everything that's brilliant about The Terminator and its (already closed-loop) story, and what it doesn't destroy, it blatantly copies.
Then it adds 'family-friendliness', stupid humor, bad child actors and preaching, plus of course lots of 'visual gimmicks' (that make no sense) and explosions - you gotta have EXPLOSIONS, when you want to appeal to the lowest common denominator.
The masses ate it hook, line and sinker. It's the PERFECT example of the naked emperor - there's absolutely no substance, but masses praise it over the gritty brilliance of The Terminator, because they have been calculatedly appealed to.
(I know it's bad english to say it like that, but it expresses the meaning).
Every single button that masses care about are pressed by that movie, blinding them to the things they don't care about (mainly, good story, things making sense, good acting performances, and of course that unnamed 'something' that The Terminator radiates that can't be bought with money - the sincerity of creation within uncertainty simply didn't exist after The Terminator).
Terminator 2: Judgment Day is a cash-cow, that adds nothing meaningful to the original story, and robs it of its BEAUTIFUL causal loop that enclosed the story so perfectly.
T2:JD is like a perfectly healthy android being butchered just to make it more 'appealing', while destroying its main functions and original vitality, creating a half dead, soulless, grotesque replica. Unnecessary surgery making it malfunction grossly, but masses don't care, because EXPLOSIONS, ONE-LINERS, FEMA-FASCIST MISANDRISTIC AGENDA, ARNOLD IN A GOOD GUY-ROLE, HURRAH!