Does anyone remember Serek

the actor that plays Spock's father actually started off playing a Romulan captain (of a Bird of Prey) that is killed in Balance of Terror?

One of the best episodes with an actual space battle and the strategy/tactics of the two battling captains (similar to Kirk/Kahn in wrath of Kahn).

Deutschland hat die Weltmeisterschaft zum vierten Mal gewonnon! 🇩🇪


Yeah, pretty much everyone remembers Mark Lenard, who played Sarek and the Romulan commander in Balance of Terror, which I think is the best episode of Star Trek, period.

I've been rewatching episodes of Here Come the Brides recently, which features Lenard as the antagonist Aaron Stempel, and Lenard does his usual good performance.

Bob the Builder and Hadji walk into a bar...


He also played the Klingon Captain in the opening scene of Star Trek: The Motion Picture.

And by the way, his name is Sarek.

"What is necessary is never unwise." -- Sarek.
