MovieChat Forums > Star Trek III: The Search for Spock (1984) Discussion > How is this stinker rated higher than th...

How is this stinker rated higher than the Motion Picture?

My rating
Search for Spock - 4.5/10
The Motion Picture - 7/10

I don't understand the appeal of this one. It seems to be a poorly directed character reunion with a lame story in order to undermine Wrath of Khan by bringing back Spock.



True, but I found the themes explored in TMP to be much more interesting, even if there was littl ein the way of action. TSFS just seemed to undo everything that happened in TWOK. And on top of that, they have the audacity to blow up the Enterprise!

"Live long and suck it, Zachary Quinto!"



I am not going to dignify that with a response.


I think III is vastly underrated, and is orders of magnitude better than TMP.

Star Trek The Motion Picture: 6/10
Star Trek II The Search for Spock: 9/10

I've always wished that The Wrath of Khan was the first, instead of TMP.

"What is necessary is never unwise." -- Sarek.


TMP I do like a lot but it can be hard going. Star Trek III is a much better movie however.


They are both very different films, and everyone seems to be looking for different things from their Trek films. The Motion Picture is a beautiful, epic film and a true work of hard science fiction first and foremost. Star Trek III is a serious, character-oriented space opera that deals with themes of loss. Ergo, some like this better and some don't. In the end, who cares about ratings or whether this one beats that one or vice-versa?

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Whose idea was it for the word "Lisp" to have an "S" in it?



You left out the bad acting, bad effects and bad stunts. This looked like a mediocre TV episode. I pretty much agree with your ratings.YAAAAAY! Now you go, lady!


Like I stated elsewhere, I didn't like it much. It could have, and should have, been a better film, but for budgetary reasons it wasn't.


STIII had a higher budget than STII.


TWOK borrowed a lot from TMP, so it's budget is a lot lower than it otherwise would have been. There were three new ship models plus a new orbital shipyard model to be created for TSFS.

Bob the Builder and Hadji walk into a bar...


For obvious reasons. They were able to reuse a lot of FX and models from TMP for TWOK. But TSFS had two new ship models, a very sophisticated looking Space Dock model, a Vulcan set, and a fairly complex set for the Genesis planet.

Bob the Builder and Hadji walk into a bar...


For obvious reasons. They were able to reuse a lot of FX and models from TMP for TWOK. But TSFS had two new ship models, a very sophisticated looking Space Dock model, a Vulcan set, and a fairly complex set for the Genesis planet.

Two? They Had the Excelsior, the Klingon Bird of Prey, The Grissom and the mercenaries' ship, I would say that's Four. ILM went all out and really expanded the Star Trek universe with this film.

ST III is definitely not a stinker, Dr Bowman who used to go by Richard Chesler, is full of it. If you click on his profile he states he is only 24 years old meaning he didn't get to enjoy the film on the big screen in 1984 when this was all there was when it came to new Star Trek. It's definitely one of the best Trek films and was also Leonard Nimoy's directing debut.

The Intro:



Sorry, but Search for Spock was far better than the first movie. The first movie felt like a mediocre extended episode of the show rather than a movie. The effects were marginal at best, especially given what George Lucas pulled off the year before with Star Wars. The acting was rusty; it looked like it really had been a decade since everyone worked together, and the secondary characters were far more bland. (let's not even get into what happened to Steven Collins)

But I will say both films were a landslide better than The Final Frontier and ST: Nemesis.

"I'd much rather be happy than right."--Slartibartfast, Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
