Watched it again last night after many years
This movie was not anywhere near as good as I remembered it being. I remembered it being more Indiana Jones like but with more Rom-Com. This is not at all the case. The movie realies way too much on the 'mcguffin' device the side characters are all caracitures with no real motivation fleshed out, the potential of exploring some essence of lore or mystery on the Stone the history the worth and motivations of those that left the map are completely wasted, and overall the film is pretty boring.
Combined with poorly choreographed fighting (with everyone having unlimited ammo) and car chases that leave something to be desired, and humor that often times falls very flat. Michael Douglas does not deliver an inspired performance and Kathleen Turner is mostly annoying in a majority of the movie and then unconvincing at the end. Overall, not a 'terrible' movie, but much worse then I remember it.
Side Note: I was amused by Danny Devito's Batman line when they were in the cave knowing that years later he would play Penguin in Batman Returns.