MovieChat Forums > The Razor's Edge (1984) Discussion > What is the book Larry burns?

What is the book Larry burns?

When he is at the top of the world, he has this look on his face that he finally got the meaning of life from this book. What is the book?


Its been years since I saw this movie so I might be thinking of the wrong scene. Is this the one where he's told to go to the mountain until he "knows" it's time to come down ? If so - the book he's reading doesn't really matter, he suddenly realizes that what he really needs at that point in his life is heat so he burns the books and comes down. Sort of learning that " you already have everything you need". Or something of that nature.



I took it to mean that the books were just "things" and that the real world was "out there." He was so busy burying his head in books that he couldn't see the world around him. That is were true wisdom would be found.


It's hard to see any detail but I would guess he is burning his copy of "The Upanishads" given to him by Peter Vaughan earlier on in the film.



The book might have been the book of poetry given to him by SOphie before he went off to war. Hard to say.


I seem to remember he had a stack of books with him, around 8 or 9, so it could have been any book.
