My brain feels violated after watching this trash. (spoilers)
The main character goes to war (driving ambulance). He's unsettled by it so he drops out of aristocratic society and reads hundreds of philosophy books. (What a waste of time! It's especially wasted on him because he doesn't say one intelligent line in the entire movie, despite all those books he's supposedly read.) After that he goes to study Buddhism at a secluded romantic monastery the Himalayas. This consists of like 2 shots of him bowing with monks, 1 shot of him burning a book at the top of a mountain, and suddenly he's learned Buddhism, or something, wooOoOooOoOw. (BTW it's a good thing they read/speak english in the secluded monestary that's never seen white people before, also good thing he lucked out in finding the place!)
Strangely all this resulted in pretty much no character development and the movie feels pointless and completely fake thus far. His character is a huge pseudo-spiritual and pseudo-intellectual fraud, and therefore the second half of the movie where he randomly resumes his roll in society is destined for failure. At least it has some dramatic tension as he acts as magical healer and whore savior, eye roll.
Artistically the film wasn't bad, but it's clear whoever created this has no clue what they were on about and it's way out of their league. Intellectually speaking this film is worthless and an insult to viewers.
~ Observe, and act with clarity. ~