MovieChat Forums > Night of the Comet (1984) Discussion > Things learned from Night of the Comet

Things learned from Night of the Comet

1. Being outside during the comet turns you into orange dust, being encased in lead surroundings keeps you intact, partial exposure transforms your body AND mind

2. There was one car in the city of Los Angeles running during the comet, which was a Mercedes Benz

3. A young man in a Mercedes who had no exposure to the comet at all went completely undetected by the scientists and beat Regina at Tempest.

4. Dry itchy skin and constant downing of diet soda is not a symptom of comet exposure

5. Two adults found by the scientists were gullible enough to let the scientists put them to sleep for their blood

6. Despite almost total lack of population, there are no issues with getting anything to eat

7. A boy who was turned into a zombie by the comet at least had the common courtesy to knock at the door first

8. One rainstorm was all it took to rid Los Angeles of the orange comet dust AND pollution.

9. Two valley girls were smarter than the scientists in keeping safe from the comet



11 Dad would have got them uzis.

-- "Quoth the raven: NM"
-- This message has not been deleted by the poster.


12. Doris was born with an *beep*


13 It seems to stay really hot in LA in December.

14 80s music is really good.

15 Radio Stations are automated.

MY Forum < >


16. Utilities, such as electricity, water, and telephone, do not need anybody to operate them and they will continue to work indefinitely.


Why do we always have to have these stupid threads????


17. Zombies talk.
18. When fighting talking zombies, make sure to throw the bike keys on the ground behind you.
19. Even with seemingly no prior experience, you can ride a motorcycle.


20. Projector rooms are a great place to have sex.

21. Reggie is worth more than $15 to have sex with.

23. The most logical place to find teenagers is chained up to a forklift in the stock room of a shopping mall.



25. Film buyers will go down on each other for hard-to-find bootlegged copies.

26. Scientists can figure out cheerleaders have tainted blood just by looking at them.

27. Doing men "favors" in projector rooms won't even get you an Egg McMuffin.

28. Doris seriously needs a bra. Too bad they're all laying around free in the street after the fact.

29. Tell your potential lover you will never again marry a person with kids, while you're still married..and while you're still a stepmother/stepfather.

40. Killing zombies requires bigger guns, while smaller guns are for date night in the barrio.

“Soulmate: A belief that someone, somewhere, is holding the key to your heart.”


41. Even at the end of world, when we finally get the drinking age down to 10, you're still gonna need ID. I mean, let's be real.


In response to the silly OP:

1. It's actually steel...not lead. And, yes...partial exposure equals a slow death.
2. Well, since she didn't ride through the entire city of LA (which is enormous), we don't know that. Besides, most people were gathered in the city or the suburbs to watch the comet. Makes perfect sense. You don't see many cars on the road on Christmas morning or during the fireworks on July 4th.
3. Who says DMK went undetected? For all we know, there was another group somewhere in the think tank discussing his whereabouts; they were, after all, still gathering intel on survivors. Also, the scientists are slowly losing their minds. And maybe DMK didn't put himself out there immediately. Maybe one of these or all of these...or something else entirely. The possibilities are endless...don't be so nearsighted.
4. No, it isn't. It's an allergic reaction. And teen girls drink lots of diet soda.
5. The think tankers had guns...who says the adults went down voluntarily? We don't have that information. Moreover, when disaster strikes, people tend to trust those in authority. People seek an immediate return to normalcy, and will justify any scientific explanation if there's a promise to make them healthy and restore the world they're used to. How can you not know this? What other alternative would one have? (Also, maybe the adults are challenged and/or exceptionally trusting...out of say 200 survivors or so, you don't think at least a few are going to follow the authority figures with the guns and then do exactly as they say?)
6. It's because there's a total lack of population that there would plenty to eat. Grocery stores and super markets would have more than enough canned goods, silly. Besides, eating was not an immediate concern once their dire situation was discovered. Sam had no trouble getting cereal in her home--why should she? And Regina ate popcorn and other theater snacks almost as soon as she woke up...why wouldn't there be food in the theater or any of the surrounding homes?
7. Maybe the boy was scratching like an animal, or perhaps operating on memory or instinct when he knocked.
8. Again, they didn't show the entire city (or every nook and cranny) during the rainstorm, so we don't know. Besides, it could've rained long and hard, so maybe most of the dust was washed away. But I think they showed only the group's immediate surroundings. Plus, it's a metaphor for a new beginning. A cleansing.
9. I wouldn't say they were smarter; just luckier. Did you miss the part about the scientists making the mistake of leaving the air ducts open and ventilation system running? It goes back to that irony about "out of all the great minds, great intellects of the world, who should survive?" One would like to think the bravest, strongest, and smartest would trump all others, but that's not necessarily the case. It's not hard to believe that a think tank filled with these intellectual giants would make the mistake of overlooking what they would probably perceive as a minor detail under most circumstances, and that thought process simply carried over when actual critical thinking was needed. They are giants, after all. Have you ever read Gulliver's Travels? If not, skip to the part where he visits the giants, who are so obsessed with their work they fail to notice many other things happening around them.

I usually don't mind when I see these silly "things I've learned" threads, but the OP is just reaching. I could point out nonsensical aspects of this movie, but none of the OP's ...ahem...observations belong in such a category. Epic failure.


42. If a girl you picked up in your rig sees a zombie eating a semi-dead cat, she'll freak out.

43. If you're stock boys who have seized a department store and 2 hot chicks show up, naturally you want to kill them immediately.



44: Spanish records will continuously play until someone comes home.
45: Reg is trained in defensive tactics and how to use firearms but doesn't have a clue how to properly hold a PR-24 police baton.
46: Zombie stock boys like to play games like Scary Noises.
47: It's vogue to toss extremely rare albums.
48: Cyndi Lauper did not give permission to use her voice for her biggest hit that's played in the movie.
49: Nothing ruins a good neighborhood like zombie children.
50: The last guy on earth is either a gentleman or a fag.
51: Attention shoppers, I trust you have credit cards to pay for all that stuff...
52: Shooting cameras makes you a dirty rat. Throwing shoes makes for great cover fire.


Sunglasses are like ineffectual anti-psychotic meds to zombie stockboys. The moment they take them off, they drop all attempts to be menacingly goofy and just growl at you.

"Fluoride doesn't prevent tooth decay. It does render teeth detectable by spy satellite." -JL


53. When you sleep with a guy, make sure you get him to pay you the promised $15 up front, otherwise you might get screwed out of it.

54. LA TV personalities aren't sure how to pronounce "Newfoundland".

55. Steve LeBeau is trapped inside your radio.

56. Comet victims have time to get their cars off the street before being disintegrated.

57. Zombies are the product of radiation.

58. Contrary to what you may have read in the Zombie Survival Guide, precision headshots are not necessary to take out zombies, and spraying automatic weapons fire at them does the trick just fine.

59. The zombie apocalypse is no time for an attitude problem.

60. The MAC-10 submachine gun was practically designed for housewives.

61. Tossing the keys on the ground means *beep* about to get real.

62. Zombies aren't crazy, they just don't give a *beep*.

63. Daddy is always telling Samantha to be careful with her mouth.

64. Even if you are the last guy in the whole freaked-out world, Samantha will be less than thrilled with you if you are just a truck driver - you'd better own at least 23 Mercedes.

65. When in an apocalypse with nothing to do, teenagers will inevitably head to the mall.

66. Career advancement through mass death is the American way.

67. Reggie has that James Bond "pose like a mannequin" thing down pat from Man With The Golden Gun.

68. Zombies are a bunch of wimps who can't hit anything.

69. Truck drivers are natural demolitions experts.

70. Nitrous Oxide makes you go to the North Pole and see Santa Claus; however:

71. There's no such thing as Santa Claus.

72. Cheerleading sweaters cost 80 bucks.

73. "Teenage Comet Zombies" would be a great name for a band, or a Saturday morning cartoon.

74. The makers of this movie aren't entirely clear on the concept of how arcade games work; they seem to believe that when you match an opponent's sixth-best score, the game ends and his score is deleted entirely, rather than dropping to seventh.

75. Reggie is less keen on erasing DMK from history once he's the second-to-last guy on the planet.

76. Santa Claus costumes are sexy.

77. Zombie nurses love working with kids.

78. Leaving the fans going is very scientific.

79. Zombies are so cool they wear sunglasses indoors.

80. Striking out at inanimate objects is really quite childish.

81. Sarah's parents told her never to breathe anything from strangers.

82. It takes long enough to cross against the light that a car can appear from out of nowhere and almost hit you from several blocks away before you have time to get out of the street.


83. Leaving the fans blowing is very stupid.


84. Willie is not crazy, he just doesn't give a *beep*.


85. Oscar should have went for his gun.
